英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:06:32



英 [ədˈventʃərəs]

美 [ædˈvɛntʃərəs]


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副词: adventurously 名词: adventurousness

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  • 爱冒险的,冒险的
  • 大胆的,顽皮大胆的
  • 充满危险的,有危险的,惊险的,有危险性的
  • 新奇的,充满新鲜事物的
  • 刺激不断的
  • 令人莫测的
  • 敢做敢为的
  • 热衷于投机的


1. willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises

e.g. adventurous pioneers
the risks and gains of an adventuresome economy

Synonym: adventuresome

1. 勇于冒险的;敢于创新的;新奇的
Someone who is adventurous is willing to take risks and to try new methods. Something that is adventurous involves new things or ideas.


e.g. Warren was an adventurous businessman...
e.g. The menu could have been more adventurous.

2. 爱冒险的;爱猎奇的
Someone who is adventurous is eager to visit new places and have new experiences.

e.g. He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics.

1. 爱冒险的:13. outstanding 杰出的 | 14. adventurous 爱冒险的 | 15. impatient 没耐心的

2. 喜欢冒险的:adventurous thinking 喜欢冒险的思考 | adventurous 喜欢冒险的 | adverse movement 反向运动

3. adventurous

3. 冒险的:33.reasonable理性的; | 34.adventurous冒险的; | 35.sensitive敏感的;

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  • 临近词

The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes.(这份菜单有受欢迎的传统菜,也有较为新奇的菜肴。)
He is an adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasures.(他是一个爱冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中。)
Similarly adventurous claims have been made for telecoms and road-building.(电信和道路建设产业也出现类似大胆言论。)
The youngest child of the family thrives on attention and tends to be outgoing, adventurous, optimistic, creative and less ambitious than others in the family.(家中最小的孩子喜欢且擅长吸引别人的关注。他们往往外向、有冒险精神、乐观、有创造力,而且没有家里其他人那么雄心勃勃。)
The new book is a story about an adventurous mouse.(这本新书是关于一只爱冒险的老鼠的故事。)
Most adventurous teenagers will occasionally have a drink.(很多爱冒险的青少年偶尔会尝点酒。)
He's always straying off and getting lost, and turning up again; he's so adventurous.(他总是迷路,过后又回来;他太爱冒险了。)
The notion of space tourism took hold in 2001 with a $20 million flight aboard a Russian spacecraft by Dennis Tito, a millionaire engineer with an adventurous streak.(2001年,丹尼斯·蒂托——一位富有冒险精神的百万富翁工程师——以2000万美元的价格乘坐俄罗斯宇宙飞船,开启了太空旅游的概念。)
The entire plan seemed adventurous and wild.(——整个计划貌似很冒险和疯狂。)
I know a little something about living an adventurous life.(我知道一些关于过著冒险生活的事情。)
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