英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈæŋkə(r)]

美 [ˈæŋkɚ]



过去式: anchored 过去分词: anchored 现在分词: anchoring 第三人称单数: anchors

  • 详情解释

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  • 锚,挂锚,铁锚
  • 汽车煞车,紧急煞车器
  • 锚状物
  • 赖以支撑的人、靠山或物,给以安全感的人,互精神支柱,顶梁柱
  • 新闻节目主播(anchorman,anchorwoman,anchorperson)
  • 桩,支架
  • 【体】一队运动员中最后参加比赛的人
  • 殿后的人
  • 抛锚泊船,停泊,抛锚,下锚
  • 系住,系牢,扣牢,使固定,把...固定住
  • 抛锚使(船)停泊
  • 固定,变稳固,紧固,稳定
  • 使扎根,使基于,立足于
  • 主持(电视、广播节目),在…任节目主持人
  • 担任主持人
  • [C]锚 a piece of heavy metal, usually a hook with two arms, at the end of a chain or rope, for lowering into the water to keep a ship from moving
  • [C]给人安全感之物〔人〕 a person or thing that provides support and a feeling of safety
  • vt. & vi. 抛锚 lower an anchor
  • vt. & vi. (把…)系住,(使)固定 (cause to) be fixed firmly
  • vt. 担任(电视节目等的)主持人 serve as an anchorperson


1. a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving

Synonym: ground tackle

2. a central cohesive source of support and stability

e.g. faith is his anchor
the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money
he is the linchpin of this firm

Synonym: mainstaykeystonebackbonelinchpinlynchpin

3. a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute

Synonym: anchormananchorperson


1. secure a vessel with an anchor

e.g. We anchored at Baltimore

Synonym: cast anchordrop anchor

2. fix firmly and stably

e.g. anchor the lamppost in concrete

Synonym: ground

An anchor is a heavy hooked object that is dropped from a boat into the water at the end of a chain in order to make the boat stay in one place.

2. 抛锚;使停泊
When a boat anchors or when you anchor it, its anchor is dropped into the water in order to make it stay in one place.

e.g. We could anchor off the pier...
e.g. They anchored the boat.

3. 把…系住;使稳住;使固定
If you anchor an object somewhere, you fix it to something to prevent it moving from that place.

e.g. The roots anchor the plant in the earth...
e.g. The child seat belt was not properly anchored to the car.

4. 固定桩;系缚物;支柱;靠山
If one thing is the anchor for something else, it makes that thing stable and secure.

e.g. He provided an emotional anchor for her...
e.g. He remains the anchor of the country's fragile political balance.

5. 与…有紧密联系;使扎根;使固守
If something is anchored in something or to something, it has strong links with it.

e.g. A united Germany must be firmly anchored in NATO if Europe is to remain stable...
e.g. His basic outlook remains anchored in the liberal tradition.

6. 主持(电视或电台节目,尤指新闻节目)
The person who anchors a television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it and acts as a link between interviews and reports which come from other places or studios.


e.g. Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news.
e.g. ...a series of cassettes on the Vietnam War, anchored by Mr. Cronkite.

7. (尤指新闻节目的)电(视)台节目主持人
The anchor on a television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it.


e.g. He worked in the news division of ABC — he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast.

8. (船)抛着锚,停泊着
If a boat is at anchor, it is floating in a particular place and is prevented from moving by its anchor.

e.g. Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway.

9. 抛锚;下锚
When the people on a boat drop anchor or cast anchor, they drop the boat's anchor into the water in order to prevent the boat from moving.

e.g. We dropped anchor in a sheltered spot.

10. 起锚;启航
When the people on a boat weigh anchor or up anchor, they pull the anchor of the boat out of the water so that they can sail away.

1. 标记:主题:wml的任务(Task)元素go元素WML中有好几类任务元素,包括go,prev,noop和refresh. 而所有的任务元素都包含在do和onevent元素一起使用. 而在标记(Anchor)元素中也可能包含go,prev或refresh元素.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • They lay at anchor outside the harbor.
  • Letters from home were an anchor to him when he worked abroad.
  • The ship anchored along the shore.
  • The insect anchored fast to its prey.
  • His attention anchors on his friend.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • It was not possible to anchor the fleet.

  • An enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon.

    出自:Scott Fitzgerald
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • anchor用作动词的基本意思是“抛锚”,进而引申为“(把…)系住,(使)固定”。anchor还可作“担任(电视节目等的)主持人”解。
  • anchor用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。
  • ☆ 直接源自希腊语的ankura,意为锚。
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.anchor

My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.



The Greeks coming to Troy needed a port to anchor their ships.(来到特洛伊的希腊人需要一个港口来停泊他们的船只。)
The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast.(船在离岩岸两英里处抛锚停泊。)
My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.(我的下一步工作是建造一个巢穴,并把它固定在树上。)
In the unstable Middle East, Israel is the one anchor of stability.(在不稳定的中东,以色列就是稳定的支柱。)
Unlike the original form used in early pendulum clocks, the anchor escapement permitted the pendulum to travel in a very small arc.(与在早期摆钟中使用的原始形式不同,锚擒纵装置允许钟摆沿非常小的弧线运动。)
We could anchor off the pier.(我们可以在码头抛锚。)
To save yourself, you must first let go of the anchor.(为了自救,你必须先把锚放下。)
We definitely have to anchor it at both ends.(我们一定要把它固定在两端。)
A clothing shop is to be a key anchor in a new development planned on the vacant lot.(一个服装店将成为在这块空地上计划新开发项目中的一个关键主体商店。)
In this fast-changing and competitive world, it's only natural that people are seeking a spiritual anchor.(在这个瞬息万变,竞争激烈的世界里,人们寻找一个精神支柱是很自然的事情。)
anchor是什么意思 anchor在线翻译 anchor什么意思 anchor的意思 anchor的翻译 anchor的解释 anchor的发音 anchor的同义词