英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈɑ:mənd]

美 [ˈɑmənd]



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1. oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree

2. small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull
cultivated in southern Australia and California

Synonym: sweet almondPrunus dulcisPrunus amygdalusAmygdalus communis

1. 杏仁
Almonds are pale oval nuts. They are often used in cooking.

e.g. ...sponge cake flavoured with almonds.

2. 杏树
An almond or an almond tree, is a tree on which almonds grow.

e.g. On the left was a plantation of almond trees.
e.g. ...groves of almond and cherry.

1. 杏仁:花箴言 : 不要因同情4 月 1 日 杏仁 (Almond) 花语 : 真爱 花占卜 : 您是一个理性及求知欲很强的人,凡3 月 21 日 樱兰 (HoneyPlant) 花语 : 人生起点 花占卜 : 您是个含蓄、内向的人,不敢将自己的感情流露出来,常常言不由衷,

2. almond什么意思

2. 扁桃:A.Hofmann,1929)从蜗牛(Helix pomatia)的胃液(中肠腺分泌液)中发现的,性质不详. 此外,在昆虫的蜕皮腺分泌液中也可找到,具有消化和吸收老的角质层的作用. 在昆虫的蜕皮液、扁桃(almond)的果皮和霉状菌中也有所发现.

3. 杏仁色:色彩的体系大体上以粉红色系、赭石色(法ocre)系、杏仁色(almond)系、橄榄色(olive)系为代表,大致上来说赭石色系是与东方人最能搭配的色彩. 而肌肤白皙的人应以粉红色系为主.

4. 巴旦杏:damson 大马士革李 | almond 巴旦杏 | nutmeg 肉豆蔻

Try switching to soy milk or almond milk.(尝试改用豆奶或杏仁乳。)
Almond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan and magnesium.(杏仁一样可以帮助你的睡眠,因为它富含色氨酸和镁。)
I don't know if there any big almond eaters out there.(我不知道那里有没有非常喜欢吃杏仁的人。)
Add the egg yolk and the almond oil and mix well.(加入蛋黄和杏仁油,把他们混合起来。)
But almond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan and magnesium.(但是杏仁一样可以帮助你的睡眠,因为它富含色氨酸和镁。)
In gold lettering on a small, almond-shaped brooch was the word Mother.(在一个小巧的心状胸针上刻著金字:母亲。)
He has also coined his own word for almond - "cork nut."(这只鹦鹉还能自己造词,比如把杏仁拼成软木坚果。)
Nut butter (almond butter especially).(果仁奶油(尤其是杏仁奶油)。)
Simply add soymilk or almond milk, and you have a blockbuster breakfast!(如果仅加入豆奶或杏仁奶,那么早餐便已足够健康。)
Milk. Drink fortified soymilk, rice milk or almond milk in place of cow's milk.(可用强化豆奶,谷物奶或者杏仁奶替代牛奶。)
almond是什么意思 almond在线翻译 almond什么意思 almond的意思 almond的翻译 almond的解释 almond的发音 almond的同义词