Physical Features: Tableland and alpine valleys make up the main landform of the prefecture.(地理特点:阿坝地形以高原和高山峡谷为主。)
Adding a warm "au revoir," she strolled out of Laverie Automatique, into the cool Alpine air.(随着一声温暖的“再见”,她离开了洗衣店,步入阿尔卑斯山的寒意中。)
An alpine search and rescue team found Lancaster the day after he disappeared.(在兰卡斯特失踪的第二天,一支高山搜救队发现了他。)
Small alpine plants may be present, but if so, they are too small or too widely scattered to detect.(可能存在有一些小型高山植物,不过即使如此,它们也太小或过于分散以至于无法观测。)
The research team that conducted these studies has just completed similar ones using the skiing game Alpine Racer 2.(研究人员做这个试验时,也正好完成了一个类似的试验,后者玩的游戏是山地赛车2。)
Illus Goggles are standard equipment for alpine journeys, but how can you keep them from breaking in your pack?(护目镜是高山攀登的标配装备,怎样装在背包里才不会被压碎呢?)
I guess I don't need to ask, for no Alpine rose can look more blooming.(我想我不需要问,因为没有哪朵高山牧场的玫瑰开得更艳了。)
Fifteen minutes later the helicopters ducked into an alpine valley and slipped undetected into Pakistani airspace.(十五分钟后,直升机下降入一个高山河谷,在没有被发现的情况下潜入了巴基斯坦领空。)
The picture was recorded from an Alpine mountain pass not far from Turin, Italy.(这张照片是在离意大利都灵不远的一条山道上拍摄的。)
Above the tree line there is a zone that is generally called alpine tundra.(林木线上方有一个区域,通常被称为高山苔原。)
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