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英 [ˈstrenjuəs]

美 [ˈstrɛnjuəs]


副词: strenuously 名词: strenuosity

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  • 紧张的
  • 费力的,费劲的
  • 繁重的
  • 艰苦的
  • 奋发的
  • 激烈的,剧烈的
  • 劲头十足的
  • 奋力的,用力的
  • 热烈的
  • 勤奋的
  • 过度的
  • 费力的;须用力应付的 using or needing great effort

1. 费力的;繁重的;艰苦的
A strenuous activity or action involves a lot of energy or effort.

e.g. Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening...
e.g. These trips were strenuous, and the couple did not enjoy them...

Exercising too much or too strenuously is just as bad as not doing it at all...
The company concerned has strenuously denied the accusations.

1. 吃力:5. ver [耗费] withstand | 吃力 : strenuous | 吃不消 : unable to withstand

2. strenuous在线翻译

2. 费力的:strengthening加强 | strenuous费力的 | Streptognathodus卷颚牙形石属

3. 奋发的:strenuosity 费力 | strenuous 奋发的 | strenuously 奋发地

4. strenuous什么意思

4. 吃力的,奋发的,奋斗的:stationary 固定的 | strenuous 吃力的,奋发的,奋斗的 | subordinate 次要的,从属的

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He made strenuous attempts to stop her.
  • Those studies which form strenuous and sagacious men.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It is best not to do strenuous exercise for a few hours and not smoke or drink alcohol for two hours.(献血后的几小时内最好不做重体力活动,两小时之内不要吸烟,不要饮酒。)
Strenuous efforts had been made to improve conditions in the jail.(为改善那家监狱里的条件已做了艰苦的努力。)
The ship went down although strenuous efforts were made to save it.(尽管人们为营救这条船做了很大的努力,它还是沉了。)
Greece, Spain and Italy all made strenuous efforts to qualify for the euro.(希腊、西班牙和意大利为加入欧元区都作出了艰苦的努力。)
Maintaining such a raveled page is strenuous.(维护这样混乱的页面十分费力。)
She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger.(她竭力压制心头怒火。)
Exercise doesn't need to be strenuous in order to be beneficial.(为了有益锻炼不需要费力。)
Pregnant women should avoid all strenuous activities, but sewing is not one of them.(怀孕的女人应该避免所有繁重的活动,但是针线活不属于这种。)
Strenuous activity level would be between 126-153 beats per minute.(较好的心率水平应该在每分钟126-153之间。)
We in China are proud of our achievements accomplished through strenuous efforts.(中国对自己通过艰苦奋斗而取得的成就感到自豪。)
strenuous是什么意思 strenuous在线翻译 strenuous什么意思 strenuous的意思 strenuous的翻译 strenuous的解释 strenuous的发音 strenuous的同义词