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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:07:13



英 [ˈæltruɪzəm]

美 [ˈæltruˌɪzəm]


形容词: altruistic 副词: altruistically 名词: altruist

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  • 利他主义
  • 利他行为
  • 利他
  • 无私
  • 爱他主义
  • 忘我精神
  • 忘我


1. the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others

Synonym: selflessness

1. 利他主义;利他;无私
Altruism is unselfish concern for other people's happiness and welfare.

1. 利他行为:OCB概括为五大维度:包括利他行为(Altruism),文明礼貌(Courtesy),运动员精神(Sportsmanship),责任意识(Conscientiousness)和公民美德(Civic Virtue). 二、OCB对组织绩效的影响 在许多情况下,组织职能的实现要依靠一些不重要的角色行为来完成,

2. 利他精神:很幸运,今天很多的学生团队便是基于利他精神(Altruism) ,帮助同学树立清晰目标去服务他人. 如果你跟团队有相似的想法并全力以赴,那么,你在当中得到的喜悦和成长将是意想不到的. 以赛扶团队为例,我们透过实践社会企业(Social Enterprise)项目,

The second form is reciprocal altruism, or “you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours”.(另一种形式则是互惠型的利他行为,或称为“狼狈为奸,唯利是图”。)
We'd get about as much altruism from an ant colony.(我们能从一群蚂蚁身上得到同样的利他主义。)
Fortunately, volunteers are not motivated by self-interest, but by altruism.(幸运的是,志愿者们不是被自身利益而是被利他主义推动。)
Altruism is another big draw to the company garden.(利他主义是公司菜园的另一大收获。)
"Altruism makes people calmer and more fulfilled," Biddulph says.(“无私让人们更加平和、充实,”Biddulph说。)
Hippies preach altruism and mysticism, honesty, joy and nonviolence.(嬉皮士宣扬利他主义和神秘主义,诚实、喜悦与非暴力。)
Unsurprisingly, with altruism the only incentive, not enough people offer.(由于利他主义是捐肾者唯一的动机,也就难怪没有足够多的人来捐献了。)
Meanwhile, other ACTS of seeming altruism are often just reciprocity.(与此同时,其他一些表面上看来的利他主义行为往往也仅仅是互惠。)
And then we'll move towards altruism, towards non kin.(然后我会讲对非亲人的利他主义。)
Still, doubting altruism is easy, even when it seems at first glance to be apparent.(尽管如此,质疑利他主义还是很容易,即便它一目了然。)
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