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英 [ˈædʒɪteɪt]

美 [ˈædʒɪˌtet]


形容词: agitative 副词: agitatedly 过去式: agitated 过去分词: agitated 现在分词: agitating 第三人称单数: agitates

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  • 煽动,鼓动,搅乱(人心),使骚动
  • 搅动,摇动,拨动,搅拌
  • 使激动,使不安,使焦虑
  • 激烈辩论,热烈讨论,激烈争论(某问题)
  • 鼓吹,游说
  • 使汹涌
  • 沉思,使谋虑
  • 发起运动
  • vi & vt. 激烈争论; 鼓励,煽动 argue strongly for sth you want, especially for changes in a law, in social conditions, etc.
  • vt. 激怒; 使激动 make sb feel angry, anxious or nervous
  • vt. 搅动; 摇动(液体等) make sth especially a liquid move around by stirring or shaking it


1. change the arrangement or position of

Synonym: vexdisturbcommoveshake upstir upraise up

2. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused

e.g. The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks

Synonym: rouseturn onchargecommoveexcitecharge up

3. move or cause to move back and forth

e.g. The chemist shook the flask vigorously
My hands were shaking

Synonym: shake

4. move very slightly

e.g. He shifted in his seat

Synonym: stirshiftbudge

5. try to stir up public opinion

Synonym: fomentstir up

6. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person
be an advocate for

e.g. The liberal party pushed for reforms
She is crusading for women's rights
The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate

Synonym: crusadefightpresscampaignpush

1. 煽动;鼓动;抗议
If people agitate for something, they protest or take part in political activity in order to get it.

e.g. The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions.

At least seventy students were injured in the continuing agitation against the decision.

2. 搅动;摇动
If you agitate something, you shake it so that it moves about.

e.g. All you need to do is gently agitate the water with a finger or paintbrush...
e.g. Its molecules can be agitated by microwave energy.

Temperature is a measure of the agitation of the molecules of matter.

3. 使焦虑;使狂躁不安
If something agitates you, it worries you and makes you unable to think clearly or calmly.

e.g. The thought of them getting her possessions when she dies agitates her.

4. see also: agitation

1. 搅拌:agitate 在大人(age)的鼓动,煽动(agitate)下,小孩模仿(imitate)着大人的搅拌(agitate)amuse 人们在逗笑(amuse)的时候经常说笑死了,其实笑一下(a)并没有死(muse)ancestor 祖先(ancestor)在母系社会中,每个(an)姐妹(音:sister)都受尊重.

2. 煽动:agitate 在大人(age)的鼓动,煽动(agitate)下,小孩模仿(imitate)着大人的搅拌(agitate)amuse 人们在逗笑(amuse)的时候经常说笑死了,其实笑一下(a)并没有死(muse)ancestor 祖先(ancestor)在母系社会中,每个(an)姐妹(音:sister)都受尊重.

3. 鼓动;煽动:agitate 在大人(age)的鼓动,煽动(agitate)下,小孩模仿(imitate)着大人的搅拌(agitate)amuse 人们在逗笑(amuse)的时候经常说笑死了,其实笑一下(a)并没有死(muse)ancestor 祖先(ancestor)在母系社会中,每个(an)姐妹(音:sister)都受尊重.

4. 搅动:adapter ring 转接环 | agitate 搅动 | agitation 搅动过程

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • They were agitating against reform.
  • As a young man, he had agitated against the Vietnam war.
  • That group is agitating against higher taxes.
  • The paper agitated for better housing.
  • They agitated strongly for better conditions for pensioners.
  • The workers were agitating for higher wages.
  • Her family are agitating to have her transferred to a prison in the UK.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Too much coffee agitates the nerves.

    出自:D. J. Enright
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • agitate的基本意思是“搅动”或“摇动”,主要用于液体,含猛烈、持久的意味。agitate 用于人时指感情的扰动或激动,即强调明显的精神紧张或情绪激动的迹象。可指“激怒某人”,也可指“鼓励; 煽动; 激烈争论”。作后者解时主要用于涉及社会状况改变或法律时。
  • agitate作“激怒; 使不安”解时用作及物动词; 作“激烈争论”解时可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作“鼓励; 煽动”解时用作不及物动词, agitate against意为“鼓动反对”; agitate for意为“鼓动争取”。
agitate, disturb, perturb, upset
  • 这组词都有“扰乱”的意思。其区别是:
  • disturb有时并不意味着使受扰的人动了感情; perturb的意思是“把…扰得紊乱不安”,使受扰乱者焦急烦恼; agitate强调使受扰乱者感情激动甚至不能克制自己; upset的意思是使人心绪烦乱,感觉不舒服,或打乱预定的安排。
  • 相关列句
    To agitate him thus deeply, by a resistance he so abhorred, was cruel: to yield was out of the question.(用他所厌恶的拒绝把他煽动起来吧,那是残酷的;要让步呢,又不可能。)
    Tell him not to agitate himself.(告诉他不必自寻烦恼。)
    Shouting and shaking the child awake will just agitate her more.(喊叫或摇醒小孩只会使其更加焦虑。)
    We thought that the bad news would upset Tom, but it didn't seem to agitate him.(我们认为这个坏消息会困扰汤姆,但它似乎并没有扰乱到他。)
    The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions.(在这些工厂里工作的女工开始为更佳的条件而抗争。)
    I don't want to agitate John by telling him the news.(我不想跟约翰说那个消息因为会激怒他。)
    Don't agitate me.(不要烦我。)
    Agitate the mixture to dissolve the powder.(搅动混合物而使粉末溶化。)
    You I used to agitate the youth, is I this life the most beautiful memories.(你我曾经激荡的青春,是我今生最美的回忆。)
    Fully agitate and aerify the pulp before flotation.(浮选前充分搅拌、充气。)
    agitate是什么意思 agitate在线翻译 agitate什么意思 agitate的意思 agitate的翻译 agitate的解释 agitate的发音 agitate的同义词