英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 07:29:10



英 [əˈmi:nəbl]

美 [əˈminəbəl, əˈmɛnə-]


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副词: amenably 名词: amenability

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  • 经得起检验的
  • 肯顺从的
  • 对…负有义务的
  • 可用某种方式处理的
  • 负责的
  • 应服从的
  • 服理的
  • 有服从义务的
  • 可依照的
  • 肯听话的
  • 可以由…处理的
  • 买帐的
  • 易控制的


1. disposed or willing to comply

e.g. someone amenable to persuasion

Synonym: conformable

2. liable to answer to a higher authority

e.g. the president is amenable to the constitutional court

3. open to being acted upon in a certain way

e.g. an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death
the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment

4. readily reacting to suggestions and influences

e.g. a responsive student

Synonym: tractable

1. 顺从的;服从的
If you are amenable to something, you are willing to do it or accept it.


e.g. The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference...
e.g. I never had a long-term relationship as I wasn't good enough, or interesting or amenable enough.

1. amenable的解释

1. 顺从:a + men + able一个人(a)面对一群人(men)时当然要多讲道理、顺从(amenable)一点啦,好汉不吃眼前亏嘛. ten + a + city 只剩下十个(ten)人了,还在坚守一座(a)城市(city),真可称得上不屈不挠、坚忍不拔(tenacity)了吧. 复制本文链接(URL)发送给朋友:

2. 有责任,应服从的:ameliorate 改善 | amenable 有责任,应服从的 | amend 修正,改良

3. 应服从的, 有服从义务的, 有责任的:amenable 应服从的, 有服从义务的, 有责任的 | fuel pump push rod 油泵推杆 | climaticatlas 气候图册

4. amenable

4. 应负责的,有义务的:AMEL (aero-medical equipment laboratory 航空医学设备实验室 | amenable 应负责的,有义务的 | amend 修正,改正

  • 经典引文

  • Not amesnable to Law.

  • The sufficiency of the conscience to make every person a moral and amenable being.

  • The next witness..is amenable to the same imputation.

    出自:E. Mellor
  • Amenable under section two of the Criminal Law Amendment Act.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

With its older cities, Europe is more amenable to meandering. Think cobblestone streets and hidden gardens.(欧洲,由于它的古老,有鹅卵石的街道和隐秘花园,便于人们漫步于其中。)
She added: 'As a boss he is very amenable and has his own ideas of how to do things.(蒂娜还说,“哈里是一个非常友善的老板,而且他做事很有自己的想法。)
Fortunately, Wool said, computer programs are highly predictable and amenable to simplified models.(Wool认为,幸运的是计算机程序具有高度的可预测性并且服从简化模型。)
This makes Xtext amenable not only for domain-specific languages but also for full-fledged programming languages.(这使得Xtext不仅适合域特定的语言,也适于全面编程语言。)
Some systems, such as with polyprotic acids, are amenable to spreadsheet calculations.(某些系统(例如带有聚质子酸的系统)适用于电子表格计算。)
He seemed most amenable to my idea.(他似乎对我言听计从。)
The problems amenable to solution by using higher-order functions aren't unique to functional languages.(适合采用高阶函数来解决的问题不仅限于函数式语言中。)
But prophets of other gods were less amenable to the King's control and so a threat to his power.(但其他神的先知就不大受国王的控制,对他的统治就是个威胁。)
There is a lot of other agricultural research that is less amenable to corporate ownership but still needs doing.(还有许多其它的农业研究不易受公司的所有权控制,但是仍需要去做。)
What they failed to recognise was that their own, taken-for-granted, "lack" of belief might itself be amenable to inquiry.(但他们没有意识到,被他们认为是理所当然的信仰缺失是才应该探究。)
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