英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 09:35:11


英 [əˌmɔ:taɪ'zeɪʃn]

美 [əˌmɔ:taɪ'zeɪʃn]


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1. payment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers

Synonym: amortisation

2. the reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years

Synonym: amortisation

1. 摊销:有形的固定资产的成本摊销称为折旧,也指预付费用等递延资产的摊销. 会计上记录荒废中的资产(如矿藏或天然气田)价值损耗的一个指标. 与此相对的折旧(depreciation)是记录有形资产价值的下降,摊销(amortization)则是记录无形资产价值的下降.

2. 摊还:对於置业者来说,可以作出不同选择:固定利率(fixed rate)或浮动利率(variable),开放(open)或封闭型(closed)按揭,30年分期摊还(amortization)等. 不动产律师兼TitlePlus业权保险公司总裁沃特斯(Kathleen Waters)指出,

3. 清偿:增加 Graffiti Shift 指示、改进债务清偿 (Amortization) 计算的正确性、加快计算速度等. 2.3 版增加跳到最前与最后的按键. 单利的贷款偿还计算程序,可以用来计算提早偿还能省下多少本金和利息;计算个人最高能承受多少贷款;

4. 分期摊销:初始折旧(Initial Depreciation Allowance-IDA)B.分期摊销(Amortization).降低小轿车整车(CBU)进口关税:.当地组装/生产商进口柴油发动机公共汽车全散件(CKD)关税适用5%;进口整车适用20%不变.

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  • 临近词

The limit to depreciation or amortization of the software separately purchased by the outsourcing enterprises may be reasonably cut to 2 years.(服务外包企业单独购置的软件,其折旧或摊销年限可适当缩短,最短为2年。)
Another reality is that annual amortization charges in the future will not correspond to economic costs.(另一个现实是,未来的年度摊销费用将无法符合经济成本。)
Recognized one year's amortization of premium on 40-year bonds payable.(确认40年期的应付债券当年摊销的溢价。)
Some expenses such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expenses.(像折旧费用、摊销费用、递耗费用之类的费用属于非现金费用。)
Systematic amortization method is the most widely used one.(其中系统摊销法运用最为普遍。)
Money which is not paid when due, under a payment plan or amortization schedule. Could lead to enforcement of loan agreement by lender.(根据付款计划或分期偿还日程表,没有及时支付的金额。可能会导致贷方强制执行贷款协议。)
This means forever viewing purchased Goodwill at its full cost, before any amortization.(这意味着永远视所购买的商誉为在任何摊销之前的全部成本。)
The next section provides a summary of the current rules and the FASB's new rules on goodwill amortization.(下一节提供了一个简要的现行规则和财会准则委员会的新规则对商誉摊销。)
Representing amortization reference set-up, earthquake wave access and earthquake motion input as well.(探讨了阻尼参数的设置、地震波的选取、地震动方向的输入等问题。)
Banpu's offer is priced at 11.16 times Centennial's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization.(Banpu的出价为Centennial息税、折旧和摊销前收益,即EBITDA的11.16倍。)
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