英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈtrɪki]

美 [ˈtrɪki]


副词: trickily 比较级: trickier 最高级: trickiest 名词: trickiness

  • 详情解释

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 狡猾的
  • 巧妙的
  • 复杂的
  • 难办的
  • 需要技巧的
  • 难处理的
  • 机智的
  • 错综复杂的
  • 不好对付的
  • 繁重的
  • 微妙机巧的
  • 靠不住的
  • 机警的
  • 足智多谋的

1. 难办的;难对付的;棘手的
If you describe a task or problem as tricky, you mean that it is difficult to do or deal with.


e.g. Parking can be tricky in the town centre...
e.g. It's a very tricky problem, but I think there are a number of things you can do.

2. 诡计多端的;奸诈的;狡猾的
If you describe a person as tricky, you mean that they are likely to deceive you or cheat you.

1. tricky什么意思

1. 崔奇:这一时期,不但有重击乐队推出的第二张唱片<>(Protection),而且波提斯海德(Portishead)和崔奇(Tricky)这两支神游组合也显得分外惹人注意. 波提斯海德的乐曲混合了多种音乐元素,女主唱贝斯吉宾森(Beith Gibbson) 那颓废慵懒的唱腔加上老旧唱片的声音取样,

2. 棘手的,复杂的(工作):37 nonflammable 不易燃的 | 49 tricky 棘手的,复杂的(工作) | 50 languishing 衰弱下去的


3. 狡猾的:tricksy 淘气的 | tricky 狡猾的 | triclinic 三斜的

  • 经典引文

  • The tricky and tortuous policy of Elizabeth's government.

    出自:E. Edwards
  • It might be a trap..of his tricky opponent.

    出自:V. Nabokov
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.tricky

It's trickier than you might think.



  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Debugging SSL issues is tricky.(SSL调试问题很棘手。)
There is one tricky detail here.(这里有一个棘手的细节。)
He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities.(他回避了这个非常微妙的问题,只做了个笼统的表述。)
Netball hands cast various difficult tricky problems for the ball, and it is up to you in a specified time to make the number of home base.(投球手会投出各种难度刁钻的球,看你在规定时间内能打出多少本垒。)
It's a very tricky problem.(这是个十分复杂的问题。)
The existing times make the question of eating a rather tricky problem: one has to have either early dinner or late supper.(现在的时代让吃饭成为一个相当棘手的问题:一个人必须要么早吃晚餐,要么晚吃夜宵。)
Again, not much is tricky here.(这里同样没有多少花样。)
Waterfalls and streams are tricky elements to photograph.(瀑布和细流是摄影中微妙的元素。)
They will also face a tricky question.(他们还将面对一个棘手的问题。)
A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down.(餐馆必须在保证质量和价格低廉之间走出一条困难的折中之路。)
tricky是什么意思 tricky在线翻译 tricky什么意思 tricky的意思 tricky的翻译 tricky的解释 tricky的发音 tricky的同义词