英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['æmplɪ]

美 ['æmplɪ]


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1. sufficiently
more than adequately

e.g. the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions
they were fully (or amply) fed

Synonym: fully

2. to an ample degree or in an ample manner

e.g. these voices were amply represented
we benefited richly

Synonym: richly

1. amply是什么意思

1. 充足地:amplitudinous 极充足的 | amply 充足地 | ampoule 一次用量

2. amply

2. 充足的,大量的:wretched可怜的, 破旧的, 恶劣的, 沮丧的 | amply 充足的,大量的 | deliberately 故意地,深思熟虑地,审慎地

3. 充足地, 详细地:amplitudinous || 极充足的 | amply || 充足地, 详细地 | ampoule filler || 安瓿装药机, 针药封装机

4. 足够地:15) cherish 期望,渴望 | 16) amply 足够地 | 17) masterpiece 杰作

That amply is illustrated by the remarkable cooperation we've begun to forge in this area.(我们在该领域已开始建立的非凡合作已经为此给予最好的说明。)
Snow-white table is very solid and stable structure, characteristics of which were amply demonstrated in numerous exhibitions.(雪白的桌子非常坚固且采用了稳定的结构,这些特质在众多的展览中得到了充分的展示。)
His efforts were amply rewarded.(他的努力得到了丰厚的回报。)
The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterward be amply repaid.(牺牲眼前的一些虚荣,日后就会大有收获。)
The financial crisis has amply demonstrated that maintaining low inflation does not guarantee economic stability.(金融危机已经充分的证明了持续的低通胀率并不能保证经济稳定。)
A good week for Sotheby's has amply demonstrated China's spending power - a boon for Christie's and Bonham's too.(苏富比这场为期一周的拍卖会充分证明了中国人的购买力,对佳士得(Christie)和宝龙这两家拍卖行来说,这也是好事一桩。)
On the contrary, as our opinion pieces over the years amply demonstrate, we often voice ideas that many people find distasteful.(相反地,这么多年来我们的许多观点足以证明我们总是说出一些令大多数人觉得反感的想法。)
This problem was amply evidenced by 11 full histories taken by every medical professional who checked my condition.(那些检查我症状的医务人员居然询问了11次完整的病史,这夸张地体现了这个问题。)
The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterwards be amply repaid.(只是在目前牺牲一下你的虚荣心,之后肯定会有补偿的。)
Such humans will have lush beautiful and prolific gardens that provide amply for the family or tribe.(这样的人们将会种植丰美繁茂的园地,为家人或者部落提供充足的营养。)
amply是什么意思 amply在线翻译 amply什么意思 amply的意思 amply的翻译 amply的解释 amply的发音 amply的同义词