英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈɑ:bɪtreɪtə(r)]

美 [ˈɑ:rbɪtreɪtə(r)]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 仲裁人
  • 公断人
  • 裁决者
  • 仲裁员
  • 公断者
  • 主宰者
  • 裁判


1. someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue

e.g. the critic was considered to be an arbiter of modern literature
the arbitrator's authority derived from the consent of the disputants
an umpire was appointed to settle the tax case

Synonym: arbiterumpire

1. 仲裁员:许多商事仲裁员(arbitrator)都不是律师(但许多劳资关系仲裁人都是律师),而且,依规定没有一个是政府雇佣的法官. 仲裁员和陪审员的区别在于,前者因在法律争端的某一领域有专长而得到选任,而后者恰恰在于其没有专长!尽管如此,

2. 仲裁器:第二年:发展可程式化媒体处理器中较复杂的模组,包含用於多媒体系统晶片中的可分割乘法单元,数位讯号处理导向的运算单元等核心单元和缓冲器(buffer)及仲裁器(arbitrator)的最佳化设计,及模组间的控制及协调方法研究.

3. 公断人:裁决人分为公断人(arbitrator)和审判者(adjudicator). 前者是受到纠纷当事人的邀请,其权威来自于自身的品格、资历或辈分,义务出面来对纠纷做个了断. 但后者则是职业型的裁决人,其权威是由职位来所赋予的. 格利佛在对非洲社会的社会控制的研究中发现,

  • 经典引文

  • In case of their inability to agree, they were to appoint arbitrators.

    出自:J. L. Motley
The arbitrator legal liability system has deep rationale.(仲裁员法律责任制度具有深厚的理论基础。)
This case will be hold by an impartial arbitrator.(本案将由公正仲裁员审核。)
The third arbitrator will act as the presiding arbitrator.(第三名仲裁员担任首席仲裁员。)
An arbitral tribunal shall comprise three arbitrators, including a chief arbitrator.(仲裁庭由三名仲裁员组成,设首席仲裁员。)
I agree. Perhaps an arbitrator will be objective.(我们同意,也许仲裁更客观一些。)
Arbitrator legal liability including arbitrator civil liability and arbitrator legal responsibility.(仲裁员法律责任包括仲裁员民事责任和仲裁员刑事责任。)
Simple labor-dispute cases may be arbitrated solely by one arbitrator.(简单劳动争议案件可以由一名仲裁员独任仲裁。)
That makes rulings binding once both parties have given authority to the arbitrator.(这样,一旦双方当事人已将权力授予仲裁人,判决结果即是被遵守的。)
The award rendered by: the arbitrator (s) shall be final and binding upon both parties.(仲裁人所作的裁定应是决定性的,并对双方有约束力。)
The standard arbitration institution stipulates the procedures of arbitration and keeps the name list of the arbitrator.(常设仲裁机构规定了仲裁手续,还备有仲裁人名簿。)
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