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更新时间:2024-09-19 16:04:28
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. As far as the precious metals miners are concerned, the trend remains firmly up and large gains could be achieved over the following months.

2. Unipolarity will continue to be the norm for the foreseeable future as far as the international power structure and power disparity are concerned.

3. Glover said Hong Kong would not be marginalized by Macao as far as the real estate industry was concerned.

4. Analysts believe that restricting imports will be an effective way to further standardize the domestic handset market as far as market supervision is concerned.

5. As far as sanitation of the books is concerned, it should not be that difficult to sterilize them before reuse.

6. As far as I'm concerned, this investment cannot be confined to financial institutions.

7. Alonso said it would be business as usual as far as he was concerned.

8. " There will be no change of policy as far as we are concerned, " Taliban spokesman Qari Mohammad Yousuf said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

9. As far as I am concerned he is happy at Arsenal and will be with us at the start of next season.

1. As far as the estimation of the value of each class of intangible assets and all factors that affect the value are concerned, this article conducts a systematic study, And makes a suggestion what evaluation method may be appropriate for it.

2. As far as I'm concerned, those who steal from poor should be sentenced to death.


3. As far as I'm concerned, everyone should be given an equal opportunity.

4. Now, as far as delivery dates are concerned, there shouldn be any problems.

5. Now, as far as delivery dates are concerned, there shouldnt be any problems.


6. Article 136 In the case of transport to be performed by various successive carriers, each carrier who accepts passengers, baggage or cargo shall be subject to the provisions of this Law, and shall be deemed to be one of the contracting parties to the contract of transport in so far as that part of the transport is concerned which is performed by it in accordance with the contract.

7. As far as lumen output is concerned, you need to be aware of two limiting factors.

8. From the perspectives of responsibility costing system, this thesis focused on following issues: the definitions process of BOCs responsibility center; a detailed list of fund allocation methods according to balance sheet items; a thorough discussion on redistribution of undistributed shareholders equity, such as the rationale of redistribution, the approaches of redistribution, and the pros and cons of each redistribution approach; as far as profit/loss allocation was concerned, it focused on the second-level cost-driver allocation, which was yet to be adopted by BOC; the transfer pricing of internal fund as a critical field of responsibility accounting directly

9. But, as far as gendered habitus is concerned, Bourdieu`s body habitus becomes problematical in the sense that Bourdieu holds that women`s body habitus can not negotiate to their advantage within different social fields. The paper concludes with the promising suggestion anticipated that feminists` works of body politics can be greatly enlightened by seeing both Foucault and Bourdieu on the body as a complementary whole.

10. As far as you are concerned, a celebrity must be a famous actor or actress?

11. Secondly in enterprise valuation cost method should proceed with book value of the financial statement, regard market value as adjusting orientation and reduce application range of cost method. When income method is adopted, four principles should be paid attention to: A: stage-by-stage income model should be used which is made by early stage income current value added by later stage income increase. B: net profit and net cash flow should be the majority of income volume. C: income prediction should base on sale income prediction. The latter takes analysis on future development potentiality of enterprises management as prerequisite. D: discount rate should not be less than no-risk rate of returns. As far as market method is concerned, the same trade enterprise should be taken as reference enterprise. In addition the expansion of relevant datum, dependability test of valuation rate, adjustment of relevant datum and the use of different cooperation index are of great importance to market method.

12. As far as practical application is concerned, is sufficiently complicated to visualize the procedure of the removal EEG before, for example, to enter into the building, or to be authorized in the computer system.

13. As far as the cost of pharmaceutical is concerned the cost in combined use of inorganic and organic high molecular polymer is less than the cost of using organic high molecular polymer alone. When we make combined use of inorganic and organic high molecular polymer, the better way of adding pharmaceutical must be choosed by on-the-spot experiment on the basis of the sludge nature. It is not sure to have good effect that we add inorganic flocculant first. When we make combined use of inorganic and organic high molecular polymer, the specific resistance to filtration is smaller and the solid rate of sludge cake is higher.

14. The neo-growth theory that makes the function of knowledge accumulation and the specialized human resources accumulation endogenic. It reveals the increasing returns to scale, and the Capital marginal output will be never lower than the rate of depreciation. As far as trade, growth and employment are concerned, foreign trade will let knowledge and human resources accumulate quickly, and then increase the total outputs, accelerate the economic growth and promote employment in the trading countries. And because of the externalities, most of research funds will be saved and a lot of repeated work will be avoided.

15. As far as recent several high technology local wars are concerned, wars with aerial attack and aerial defence will be an important campaign pattern of our army in the future. In order to adapt for future campaign, we have to make use of current weapon equipment of our army to improve training level of our force.

16. Now at last all that concerned the earthward aspect of His Mission, so far as it had to be done on the Cross, was ended.

17. We were hoping he would be further on in his recovery but the signs are not good as far as the World Cup is concerned.


18. As far as the taxpayers'contribution to the Vienna State Opera Orchestra is concerned, it should be pointed out that this outlay by the Republic of Austria is largely covered by the taxes paid by the Vienna Philharmonic.

19. As far as format is concerned, rules governing arrangement should be strictly observed so as to furnish your writing with a clear and neat appearance.

20. As far as Cragnotti is concerned, the other day I sent a press release saying everything that needs to be known.

Of course, it should all be knocked back with a cup of tea, but black pudding is optional as far as I’m concerned.(当然,要搭配一杯茶,就我而言的话,也是个不错的备选。)
But he will not be attending conference every day, and will have his hands firmly off the tiller as far as editorial matters are concerned.(但他不会参加每天的例行会议,但凡是编辑事宜,他都会严格把关。)
As far as you are concerned, a celebrity must be a famous actor or actress?(在你看来一个名流必须是一个著名的男演员或者是女演员吗?)
They simple cannot, because , as far as they are concerned, no one has "left"them behind. They are exactly where they choose to be .(她们当然不会,因为只要和她们有关的,谁也不能把她们留在身后。她们的的确确是为自己选择道路。)
As far as your love life is concerned, the situation needn't be too bad.(就你的感情生活而言,情况还不是太坏。)
As far as I'm concerned, students who make a lot of progress should also be rewarded with prizes.(在我看来,取得很大进步的学生也应该得到奖励作为回报。)
If default is to secure a deep cancellation of debt, it must be driven by Greece and it should be coercive as far as the Banks are concerned.(如果债务违约要确保大量削减债务,就必须由希腊自己推动,强迫银行执行。)
As far as Resource Manager and Library Server databases are concerned, once you have a baseline backup and all logs are intact, there is a guarantee that there will be no loss of data.(只要涉及到资源管理器和库服务器数据库,一旦有了一次原始备份,并且所有日志均完好无损,即可保证不损失任何数据。)
As far as I am concerned, thanks the people do good to us, especially our parents should be the theme of our Chinese Thanksgiving Day.(我觉得,感谢那些对我们有恩的人,特别是我们的父母应该要成为我们中国感恩节的主题。)
You won't be doing anything fancy as far as compilation and deployment are concerned.(就编译和部署而言,不要追求新奇。)
as far as be concerned是什么意思 as far as be concerned在线翻译 as far as be concerned什么意思 as far as be concerned的意思 as far as be concerned的翻译 as far as be concerned的解释 as far as be concerned的发音 as far as be concerned的同义词