The legs were certainly functional both on land and at sea.(无论陆地还是海洋,这些腿都能发挥作用。)
The waves are not noticeable out at sea because of their long wave length.(这些海浪在海上看起来不是很明显,因为它们的波长很长。)
The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.(潜艇在海上是不会受到攻击的。)
After two days at sea, it was good to be back on terra firma again.(在海上度过两天之后,又回到使人觉得坚实的陆地,真是惬意。)
These troops have rarely been at the center of the action: in Afghanistan, they stay in the relatively calm north; in Lebanon, they patrol at sea, not on land.(这些部队鲜少处于行动的中心:在阿富汗,他们留驻于相对平静的北方;在黎巴嫩,他们则在海上巡逻,而不是在陆地上。)
But today many dolphins are caught at sea, so less and less dolphins could be seen.(但如今许多海豚在海上被捕捉,海豚越来越少了。)
Tom was at sea—a Great Seal was something which he was totally unacquainted with.(汤姆很茫然——御玺这东西,他根本就不认识。)
We'd bring in the day's catch to a floating processor boat where the fish got cleaned, packaged and frozen right at sea.(我们会把当天捕获的鱼放到一艘漂浮的加工船里,再在船上清洗、包装和冷冻那些鱼,这些全都在海上完成。)
The whole place is at sea level.(整个地区与海平面持平。)
They were lost at sea.(他们在海上迷失了方向。)
at sea是什么意思 at sea在线翻译 at sea什么意思 at sea的意思 at sea的翻译 at sea的解释 at sea的发音 at sea的同义词