英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 17:49:18



英 [kənˈfju:zd]

美 [kənˈfjuzd]


副词: confusedly 名词: confusedness

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  • 混乱的,乱七八糟的,杂乱的
  • 困惑的,难懂的,惶惑的,迷惑的,茫然若失的
  • 糊涂的,不清楚的
  • 莫名其妙的
  • 慌乱的,狼狈的


1. mentally confused
unable to think with clarity or act intelligently

e.g. the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused

2. lacking orderly continuity

e.g. a confused set of instructions
a confused dream about the end of the world
disconnected fragments of a story
scattered thoughts

Synonym: disconnecteddisjointeddisorderedgarbledillogicalscatteredunconnected

3. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion

e.g. troops fleeing in broken ranks
a confused mass of papers on the desk
the small disordered room
with everything so upset

Synonym: brokendisorderedupset

4. having lost your bearings
confused as to time or place or personal identity

e.g. I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway
the anesthetic left her completely disoriented

Synonym: disorientedlost

5. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements
filled with bewilderment

e.g. obviously bemused by his questions
bewildered and confused
a cloudy and confounded philosopher
just a mixed-up kid
she felt lost on the first day of school

Synonym: baffledbefuddledbemusedbewilderedconfoundedlostmazedmixed-upat sea

1. 困惑的;糊涂的
If you are confused, you do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.

e.g. A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy...
e.g. Things were happening too quickly and Brian was confused.

He shook his head confusedly.

2. 混乱的;难懂的
Something that is confused does not have any order or pattern and is difficult to understand.

e.g. The situation remains confused as both sides claim success.
e.g. ...a modern society in which values have become increasingly confused.

Note the difference in meaning between confused and confusing.
注意 confused 和 confusing 意义上的区别。


1. 困惑:进行先攻权检定的方式如下:掷1d20并加上己方战团中仍健全的指挥官中最高的指挥官值. 被震摄(stuned),溃败(routing)中,困惑(confused)中,或处於无助(helpless)状态的指挥官不得修正先攻权检定.

2. 混淆:澄清:其目的在於对所讨论的内容加以厘清,使成员能接收到正确的讯息,以防冲突(conflicting)与混淆(confused)的产生;领导者须适时介入协助团体的讨论,使讯息能正确且有效的传递.


3. 混乱的:这样数据包被错误地重构(因为压缩包的丢失),但是仅有TCP端(end)知道数据包是错误的,解压器根本不感觉到混乱的(confused)解压器处于TCP对话的前向部分(即数据传输部分).

4. 混乱:为防止这种情况发生,在收到来自成帧器(framer)的CRC错误错误恢复等于在解压器在感到混乱(confused)时迫使压缩器发送一个未压缩数据包. 干扰(linehit)可能把它完全淹没,最终解压器什么也没收到. 这样数据包被错误地重一个数据包的长度,

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My mother has become very forgetful and confused.(我母亲已变得很健忘很糊涂了。)
I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts.(我心烦意乱,难以镇定思绪。)
Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused.(马奥尼的脉搏跳得很快,他感到很慌乱。)
I am quite confused.(我很困惑。)
Confused on which edition is right for you or your customers?(您是否对哪种版本适合您或您的用户感到困惑?)
Tom hesitated and looked confused.(汤姆犹豫了一下,看上去很困惑。)
At best, kids might be confused.(充其量,孩子们可能会感到困惑。)
She was so confused—her mind was spinning like a top.(她如坠五里雾中,被搞得晕头转向。)
He was confused about his sexuality.(他对自己的性别感到困惑。)
She was standing perfectly motionless, confused by the blow.(她一动不动地站着,被这一打击搞糊涂了。)
confused是什么意思 confused在线翻译 confused什么意思 confused的意思 confused的翻译 confused的解释 confused的发音 confused的同义词