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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:34:09



英 [ɔ:'rɔ:rə]

美 [ɔˈrɔrə, ɔˈrorə, əˈrɔrə, əˈrorə]



形容词: auroral 副词: aurorally

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 极光
  • 曙光
  • Aurora:【罗神】奥罗拉(即曙光女神)
  • 北极光
  • 晓光
  • 突变间期
  • 桔红色
  • 奥罗拉(美国伊利诺伊州东北部一城市近芝加哥)
  • Aurora:【罗神】黎明女神(同希神Eos)
  • 晨曦
  • 朝霞
  • 南极光
  • 奥罗拉(美国科罗拉多州中北部城市近丹佛)


1. an atmospheric phenomenon consisting of bands of light caused by charged solar particles following the earth's magnetic lines of force

2. the first light of day

e.g. we got up before dawn
they talked until morning

Synonym: dawndawningmorningfirst lightdaybreakbreak of daybreak of the daydayspringsunrisesunupcockcrow

Dense cloud cover is dimly visible below the aurora.(在极光下方隐约可见密集的云层。)
"Happiness is feeling good about the present and optimistic about the future,"Aurora says.(快乐就是真正享受现在,乐观对待未来。)
Aurora borealis, above Hudson Bay and the town of Churchill with a bright moon, Manitoba, Canada.(加拿大马尼托巴湖,丘吉尔镇与哈德森湾上空,皓月当空时的北极光。)
I ran out into the field, and within a few minutes the aurora went crazy!(我跑到空地上,几分钟内极光就疯狂地充满了整个天空。)
Oh Aurora, lay off the Patron.(哦,黎明之神,请将守护神解雇了吧!)
Clouds over Manitoba, Canada, are bathed in green light from an August 4 aurora.(8月4日加拿大马尼·巴托上空的云朵沐浴在绿光之中。)
There is an indescribable aurora in beaming old age.(在喜气洋洋的老年有着一种无以名之的曙光。)
I spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years.(我用了一周的时间拍下了近年来最壮美的一次极光。)
The northerners believed the aurora was a reflection cast by large swarms of herring into the sky.(北方人相信,极光就是成群的鲱鱼将鳞光反射到了天际。)
The project would be part of the Aurora programme of the European Space Agency.(这项工程将成为欧洲航天局的“曙光工程(Aurora)”的一部分。)
aurora是什么意思 aurora在线翻译 aurora什么意思 aurora的意思 aurora的翻译 aurora的解释 aurora的发音 aurora的同义词