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英 [ɔ:ˈθɒrətətɪv]

美 [əˈθɔ:rəteɪtɪv]


副词: authoritatively 名词: authoritativeness

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  • 命令式的
  • 权威性的
  • 专断的
  • 官方的
  • 当局的
  • 有权威的
  • 可信赖的
  • 可靠的
  • 靠权力的
  • 权威
  • 绝对可信的
  • 有权力的
  • 可相信的
  • 显示权力的
  • 好像显示权威的
  • 权威性的 generally regarded as providing knowledge or information that can be trusted
  • 专断的,命令式的 having or showing authority; demanding or deserving respect and obedience


1. sanctioned by established authority

e.g. an authoritative communique
the authorized biography

Synonym: authorizedauthorised

2. having authority or ascendancy or influence

e.g. an important official
the captain's authoritative manner

Synonym: important

3. of recognized authority or excellence

e.g. the definitive work on Greece
classical methods of navigation

Synonym: classicalclassicdefinitive

1. 权威的;威严的;有威信的
Someone or something that is authoritative gives an impression of power and importance and is likely to be obeyed.

e.g. He has a commanding presence and deep, authoritative voice...
e.g. Her smile was warm but authoritative.

The man pushed his way authoritatively through the crowd.

2. (在某一方面)权威性的,可信的
Someone or something that is authoritative has a lot of knowledge of a particular subject.

e.g. The first authoritative study of polio was published in 1840...
e.g. The evidence she uses is usually highly authoritative.

My own life is the only thing I can speak authoritatively about.

1. 授权:DNS服务器的角色可以分成3种:根(Root)、授权(Authoritative)和解析(Resolver). 不同角色的DNS对安全的要求层次也不同. 由于历史原因,所有的根服务器都分布在北美和欧洲. 我国电信运营商,一般都会在各省统一部署DNS服务器,

2. authoritative的反义词

2. 权威:AUE²:权威(Authoritative)有用(Usable)有趣(Enjoyable)高效(Effective) 5年级的学生除了具备一定分析能力,对社会也有了认知和自己的见解. 刊物让学生结合课堂知识的学习,观察大自然、思考人类社会,灵活运用书面文字表达自己的观察所得.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • This piece of news came from an authoritative source.
  • David speaks in authoritative tones.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • He was diligent and in acting authoritative.

    出自:R. North
  • Above the general chatter, a loud authoritative voice cried, 'Now, then, what's the trouble 'ere?'

    出自:L. W. Meynell
  • 词语用法

  • authoritative作“权威性的”解时,可指“可信的”“官方的,当局的”“威严的”。
  • authoritative作“官方的,当局的”解时不用于比较等级。
The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.(向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂的作品的作者们祝贺。)
Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.(阿曼达开始了一番对合同的权威解释。)
The report is authoritative, but this is not a comprehensive text.(这份报告具有权威性,但文字并没有包罗万象。)
They do not seem to have the vast, authoritative presence of those great men.(他们似乎没有那些大人物的轩昂威严的风采。)
Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who as adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.(权威型父母比放任型父母更有可能让孩子在青少年时期变得自信、自尊、负责任且独立。)
Links in books could be more authoritative, though they might also be outdated.(书籍里出现的链接更有权威性,尽管它们可能已经过时。)
She stopped me with a stern, authoritative voice. "Sit down, doctor."(她用一种严厉、命令性的口气将我打断:“大夫,坐下来。”)
So they rely on what they hear from seemingly authoritative figures.(因此,他们所依靠的是听到的那些表面上具有权威的数字。)
Perhaps he should affect a more authoritative posture.(或许,他应该摆一个更情绪化的姿态。)
The first authoritative study of polio was published in 1840.(关于小儿麻痹症的首篇权威研究报告发表于1840年。)
authoritative是什么意思 authoritative在线翻译 authoritative什么意思 authoritative的意思 authoritative的翻译 authoritative的解释 authoritative的发音 authoritative的同义词