英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:34:48



英 [ɔ:ˈθɒrəti]

美 [əˈθɔ:rəti]


名词复数: authorities

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  • 权力,权
  • 官方,当局,管理机构
  • 职权;授权
  • 权威,威信
  • 泰斗,专家,权威人士
  • 影响力
  • 当权者;当权(地位)
  • 授权书
  • 依据,来源
  • 【律】判例
  • 管辖权
  • [U]权力,职权 power to give orders and make others obey
  • [C]官方,当局 person or group having the power to give orders or take action
  • [C]权威,专家 person with special knowledge



1. official permission or approval

e.g. authority for the program was renewed several times

Synonym: authorizationauthorisationsanction

2. the power or right to give orders or make decisions

e.g. he has the authority to issue warrants
deputies are given authorization to make arrests
a place of potency in the state

Synonym: authorizationauthorisationpotencydominancesay-so

3. freedom from doubt
belief in yourself and your abilities

e.g. his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular
after that failure he lost his confidence
she spoke with authority

Synonym: assuranceself-assuranceconfidenceself-confidencesureness

4. an authoritative written work

e.g. this book is the final authority on the life of Milton

5. an administrative unit of government

e.g. the Central Intelligence Agency
the Census Bureau
Office of Management and Budget
Tennessee Valley Authority

Synonym: agencyfederal agencygovernment agencybureauoffice

6. an expert whose views are taken as definitive

e.g. he is an authority on corporate law

7. (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others

e.g. the authorities have issued a curfew

1. 当局;官方;当权者
The authorities are the people who have the power to make decisions and to make sure that laws are obeyed.

e.g. This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections...
e.g. The prison authorities have been criticised for not moving more quickly to end the protest by inmates.

2. 行政管理机构
An authority is an official organization or government department that has the power to make decisions.

e.g. ...the Health Education Authority...
e.g. Any alterations had to meet the approval of the local planning authority.

3. 权力;权限;职权
Authority is the right to command and control other people.

e.g. Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas...
e.g. The judge had no authority to order a second trial.

4. 威信
If someone has authority, they have a quality which makes other people take notice of what they say.

e.g. He had no natural authority and no capacity for imposing his will on others.

5. (官方的正式)许可
Authority is official permission to do something.

e.g. The prison governor has refused to let him go, saying he must first be given authority from his own superiors.

6. (某一方面的)权威人士,专家
Someone who is an authority on a particular subject knows a lot about it.

e.g. He's universally recognized as an authority on Russian affairs.

7. 有可靠的消息来源
If you say you have it on good authority that something is true, you mean that you believe it is true because you trust the person who told you about it.

e.g. I have it on good authority that there's no way this light can cause skin cancer.

1. 职权:[97] 科层组织(Bureaucracy Organization)系一个以分工,法律,层级与规[105] 职权(Authority)表拥有命令下属顺从的权利.[108] 赋权(Empowerment)就是授权前先确定其承担责任的能力,

2. 权威:阿伦特继而区分了"暴力"(violence)、"力量"(strength)、"势力"(force)、"权威"(authority)等概念,指出在当代功能主义 思考模式下,这些概念都被化约成达到统治的类似手段;但这样做只能使得人类生活的经 验趋于单调.

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    我从可靠处得知used for saying that your information comes from sb you trust
  • The authorities have refused to let him enter the country.
  • The customs authorities have sold all goods saved from the wreck.
  • The authorities would not allow public meetings.
  • The health authorities are investigating the matter.
  • The authorities are trying to clamp down on vandalism.
  • The authorities at the town hall are slow to deal with complaints.
  • The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.
  • Rebel troops continued to challenge Government authorities.
  • We shall abolish the local councils and create a single, central authority.
  • May I see your authority?
  • The government is the highest authority in the country.
  • He would be reported to those in authority.
  • We need to get the support of someone in authority.
  • Who is in authority here?
  • Although she has no official position in the party,her opinions carry a lot of authority.
  • Her voice carried a note of authority.
  • I shall have to report this to the authorities.
  • She sold the house to the local authority.
  • The union continued to seek dialogue with the authorities.
用作名词 (n.)
  • If ever you find yourselves set in positions of authority.

    出自:J. Ruskin
  • You conspired with the students to weaken the authority of the senior staff.

    出自:D. Lodge
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • authority的基本意思是“权力,职权”,指人们在政治上的强制力量或行使职责范围内的权力。引申可指“政府当局”,此时习惯用复数形式,且其前要用定冠词the,有时也可用单数形式,也有不用定冠词,而取首字母大写的情况; 也可引申指“领导者”“当家人”,还可引申指“大师,泰斗,权威著作”,此时常与介词on连用,表示“在某方面是权威”; 还可作“授权证明”“凭证”解,此时一般用作单数名词; 还可作“权势,影响力”解。
  • authority可接动词不定式,表示“具备作出某种决定的权力”,也可接“for+ v -ing”,其意义与接动词不定式相同。
  • ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的auctorit;最初源自拉丁语的auctoritatem,意为发明,建议,影响,命令。
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.authority

The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off .

虽然说环境挑战任重道远, 不过这样看来坦桑尼亚国家公园管理局做出的努力还是初见成效了。


高考真题例句 OG 1.authority

Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.

当权威人士给出建议时, 墨西哥人可能会保持沉默, 而不是粗鲁地与对方争吵。


His irreverence for authority marks him out as a troublemaker.(他对权威的蔑视表明他是个惹事的人。)
People are forced to give unquestioned obedience to authority.(人们被强迫对权威不加质询地顺从。)
He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan.(他利用他的所有权力让他们接受这个计划。)
His authority is steadily weakening.(他的权威日趋减弱。)
He spoke with authority on the topic.(他就这个课题发表权威意见。)
He is in a position of unchallenged authority.(他拥有绝对的权威。)
The Supreme Council is vested with overall authority.(最高苏维埃拥有一切权力。)
She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.(她以彻底的一丝不苟树立了自己的权威。)
He had an air of quiet authority.(他神态威严凝重。)
We were brought up to be respectful of authority.(我们从小就学会了尊重权威。)
authority是什么意思 authority在线翻译 authority什么意思 authority的意思 authority的翻译 authority的解释 authority的发音 authority的同义词