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更新时间:2025-03-24 09:51:24


英 [ˌævɒ̃'ɡɑ:d]

美 [ˌɑvɑntˈɡɑrd, ˌævɑnt-]



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名词: avant-gardism

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1. any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)

Synonym: vanguardvannew wave


1. radically new or original

e.g. an avant-garde theater piece

Synonym: daring

1. (艺术、音乐、戏剧、文学)先锋派的,前卫的,实验性的
Avant-garde art, music, theatre, and literature is very modern and experimental.

e.g. ...avant-garde concert music.

2. 先锋派;前卫派
You can refer to the artists, writers, and musicians who introduce new and very modern ideas as the avant-garde .

e.g. In Paris he made friends among the avant-garde.

1. avant-garde的翻译

1. (前卫爵士):John Coltrane在前卫爵士(Avant Garde)上的创造力、即兴能力绝对让任何一位萨克斯手望尘莫及,而Miles Davis敢将调式音乐(Model)加入爵士乐,敢将乐器插上电...也堪称人类音乐史上革命性的突破.

2. avant-garde

2. 前卫派:(7)感性战略(affectice strategy) 像视觉冲击(cisual shock)、前卫派(avant garde)、超现实主义(surrealism)等广告表现,都属于感性战略. 这种广告表现大都属于仪表印象的组合,予消费者以震惊. 为了比竞争对手的广告更为醒目所做的广告表现,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Chanel's future prosperity, Ms Chiquet believes, still hinges on its pursuit of the avant-garde.(Chiquet相信,香奈儿将来的蓬勃发展仍会依靠于前卫的追求。)
No wonder, then, that so many of them are experimenting with avant-garde technologies.(难怪很多人正在测试先进的技术。)
Recommendation engines are the enemy of serendipity and Great Books and the avant-garde.(推荐引擎绝对与那些奇遇发现、伟大著作和前卫派们势不两立。)
Henry Jerome was part of the avant-garde; his band later brought the bop sound to conventional big-band fare.(亨利·杰罗姆属于先锋派;他的乐队后来,把波普爵士乐风带入传统的大乐队爵士乐中。)
The first Dada performances were put on by a group of avant-garde poets, writers and performances artists at Cabaret Voltaire.(第一个达达表演是由一群先锋派诗人、作家和表演艺术家们在伏尔泰夜总会上演的。)
Ordos even has an avant-garde art museum — totally empty.(鄂尔多斯甚至还有先锋派艺术馆,可惜全是空的。)
In 1962 the then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev famously denounced and banned an exhibition of avant-garde artists in Moscow, saying his grandson could paint better.(1962年,苏联当时的领导人NikitaKhrushchev极严厉地抨击并禁止了莫斯科前卫艺术家的一次展览,称他孙子都能画的比他们好。)
The company motto is "Swiss Avant-Garde Since 1860".(豪雅表的公司标语是“1860以来的瑞士表先驱”。)
You know the critic Lu Tonglin, who speaks of your "doubly-subversive position" in even the male-centered avant-garde tradition?(你知道批评家吕彤邻,她说出了你在更为以男性为中心的后现代传统的“双重颠覆位置”?)
In Buick from 1999, a highlight from An Important Swiss Collection of Chinese Avant-Garde Art, we can see how these dominant motifs have become sharpened for maximum visual impact.(作于1999年的《别克》,是瑞士一个重要的中国前卫艺术品收藏中的精品,我们可以看到这些佔主要位置的图像轮廓特别分明,为的是要产生最强视觉冲击力。)
avant-garde是什么意思 avant-garde在线翻译 avant-garde什么意思 avant-garde的意思 avant-garde的翻译 avant-garde的解释 avant-garde的发音 avant-garde的同义词