英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [bʌmp]

美 [bʌmp]




过去式: bumped 过去分词: bumped 现在分词: bumping 第三人称单数: bumps

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  • 撞,碰,冲撞
  • 颠簸着行进
  • 猛击,打肿,撞伤
  • 【赛船】追撞
  • 作鹭鸶叫
  • 取消
  • 排挤掉,解雇
  • 否决
  • 哄抬
  • 挤掉…的座位,取代…的职务
  • 杀死,谋杀
  • 撞上,碰上,碰见,偶然遇见
  • 增加,提高
  • 撞倒
  • 除名,撵走
  • 取消已预定的飞机座位
  • 取消去(某地)旅行的计划
  • 肿块,肿
  • 才能,能力
  • 空中颠簸,颠簸,簸动
  • 因客满而未能搭乘原定班机
  • 撞击,碰撞
  • 凸块
  • 扑通一声
  • 鹭鸶的叫声
  • 头骨隆起
  • 【赛船】撞声
  • 【空】突变的气流
  • 突降
  • 重击
  • 突然地
  • 猛烈地
  • vt. & vi. 撞倒; 冲撞 come against with a blow or knock
  • vi. 颠簸着前进 move along in an uneven way, like a wheeled vehicle going over bumps
  • [C]砰的一声;撞击 (the sound of) a sudden forceful blow,like sth heavy hitting a hard surface
  • [C]肿块 swelling on the body
  • [C]隆起物 uneven patch on a surface


1. an impact (as from a collision)

e.g. the bump threw him off the bicycle

Synonym: blow

2. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings

e.g. the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
the hump of a camel
he stood on the rocky prominence
the occipital protuberance was well developed
the bony excrescence between its horns

Synonym: bulgehumpswellinggibbositygibbousnessjutprominenceprotuberanceprotrusionextrusionexcrescence

3. a lump on the body caused by a blow


1. knock against with force or violence

e.g. My car bumped into the tree

Synonym: knock

2. remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied

e.g. The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space

Synonym: dislodge

3. dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward

e.g. bump and grind

4. come upon, as if by accident
meet with

e.g. We find this idea in Plato
I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here
She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day

Synonym: findhappenchanceencounter

5. assign to a lower position
reduce in rank

e.g. She was demoted because she always speaks up
He was broken down to Sergeant

Synonym: demoterelegatebreakkick downstairs

1. (无意地)碰撞,冲撞
If you bump into something or someone, you accidentally hit them while you are moving.

e.g. They stopped walking and he almost bumped into them...
e.g. There was a jerk as the boat bumped against something...

2. 碰撞;碰撞声
A bump is the action or the dull sound of two heavy objects hitting each other.

e.g. I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened...
e.g. The child took five steps, and then sat down with a bump.

3. (碰撞造成的)肿块,鼓包
A bump is a minor injury or swelling that you get if you bump into something or if something hits you.


e.g. She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.

4. (车辆的)轻微碰撞
If you have a bump while you are driving a car, you have a minor accident in which you hit something.

5. (地面的)隆起,凸块
A bump on a road is a raised, uneven part.

e.g. The truck hit a bump and bounced.

6. 颠簸而行
If a vehicle bumps over a surface, it travels in a rough, bouncing way because the surface is very uneven.

e.g. We left the road, and again bumped over the mountainside...
e.g. The aircraft bumped along erratically without gathering anything like sufficient speed.

7. see also: goose bumps

8. 猛然回到现实中来
If someone comes down to earth with a bump, they suddenly start recognizing unpleasant facts after a period of time when they have not been doing this.

e.g. Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria.

相关词组:bump intobump offbump up

1. (凹凸贴图):法线贴图(Normal Bump)和普通的灰度凹凸贴图(Bump)最大的区别在于,Bump贴图只能在一个轴上产生假凹凸,简单说就是换个方向,就能看出凹凸其实是平的,但法线贴图却是在X、Y、Z三个轴上面计算出凹凸的效果,就算换一个角度,

2. 碰撞:3、碰撞(Bump),则是根据峰值加速度(acceleration),脉冲持续时间(pulse duration),冲击方向(bump direction),冲击次数(bump times)等指标衡量样品经过多次碰撞之后的性能.

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    撞上 knock oneself into an object
    bump against sth

    I've bumped against the door again.


  • I bumped the tree while reversing.
  • The car bumped the kerb.
  • I heard a bump in the next room.
  • He got a nasty bump on the head.
  • She tripped over the bump on the sidewalk.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
  • Bumping his head against the roof.

    出自:J. Hilton
  • Arms folded, each endeavoured to bump the other to the ground.

    出自:J. L. Waten
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • bump用作名词时的基本意思是“砰的一声;撞击”,是拟声词。引申可指因撞击而形成的肿块、瘤等; 也可指路面上的隆起之处。
bump, bang, bash, knock
  • 这四个词意思相近,但有区别:bash是口语用词,意为猛力地撞毁某物或撞伤某人; bump的意思是偶然地碰撞某物并发出低沉的声音; bang则指撞击较重,声音也较大; knock意为撞击某物而发出清脆的声音,可指意外的动作,可造成伤痛或毁坏东西。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    It's as though the ordinary earthly objects, we bump into them or they bump into us, and they get us to look upwards to the heavenly Platonic realm.(这就像普通的地球物体,我们撞到它们,或者它们撞到我们,它们让我们仰望天堂的柏拉图王国。)
    There's a bump ahead on the road.(前面的路上有个颠簸。)
    The choochoo shimmy is basically a weighted hip bump in belly dancing.(在火车上摆动基本上是肚皮舞中的重量级臀部碰撞。)
    He felt a heavy bump, but paid no attention to it.(他感觉重重地撞了一下,但没有在意。)
    Did you bump your head?(你撞到你的头了吗?)
    I happened to bump into Mervyn Johns in the hallway.(我碰巧在走廊里撞见了默文·约翰斯。)
    I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened.(我感到了一下轻轻的撞击,立刻就明白发生了什么。)
    Did you mean to bump into me?(你是想撞到我吗?)
    I'm sorry to bump into you.(很抱歉,我撞着你了。)
    She tripped and went down with a bump.(她绊了一下,重重地倒在地上。)
    bump是什么意思 bump在线翻译 bump什么意思 bump的意思 bump的翻译 bump的解释 bump的发音 bump的同义词