英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:51:59


英 [ˈeɪvieɪtə(r)]

美 [ˈeviˌetɚ, ˈævi-]


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  • 飞行员
  • 飞机驾驶员
  • 飞机师
  • 飞行家


1. someone who operates an aircraft

Synonym: aeronautairmanflierflyer

1. (尤指早期的)飞行员,飞机驾驶员
An aviator is a pilot of a plane, especially in the early days of flying.

1. aviator的反义词

1. 飞行员:耗时18个月. 巴尔波斯估计这栋房子40%都是水泥浇筑而成的. 图中所示的是房子翻修期间的样子. 选秀节目<>(America's Next Top Model)、电影<>(Aviator)和美国运通的广告的一些场景都曾在这里拍摄.

2. aviator的反义词

2. 飞行者:三次奥斯卡奖提名,凭借<>(Aviator)获得金球奖最佳男主角,凭借<>(Romeo + Juliet)获得柏林电影节银熊奖最佳男主角,2009年凭借<>(Revolutionary Road)获得金球奖最佳男主角提名,

3. aviator的解释

3. 飞行大亨:自<>(Aviator)精湛演出却与奥斯卡失之交臂之后,莱昂纳多已经让大家渐渐忘记了<>里那张俊美的面孔,而他因此在演艺之路上也越走越顺.

4. 飞行家:据搜狐娱乐报道,星期天晚上,金球和奥斯卡大热影片<>(Aviator)在伦敦的莱西斯特广场举行首映式. 两位王室千金、莎拉-福格森(Sarah Ferguson)的女儿比特莱斯(Beatrice)和欧吉妮(Eugenie)作为嘉宾亲眼目睹了好莱坞众位明星的风采,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The Man Angel was lighter-than-air and had paddles like a rowboat that the aviator could pump.(“人类天使”比空气还轻,有像划艇一样的桨,飞行员可以摇动它们。)
The aviator now holds three record-breaking circumnavigations of the globe, the two others by balloon and sailboat.(如今这位飞行家已经创造并保持了三项环球航行的世界记录,另外两项分别是驾驶热气球和帆船环球旅行。)
Howard Hughes, the aviator, Hollywood maven and all around nutjob, was better at spending than earning.(飞行员、好莱坞专家、傻瓜霍华德•休斯(HowardHughes),相比赚钱更擅长花钱。)
Ever remember the time when aviator sunglasses were fancy because of Tom Cruise and Top Gun?(还记得那会儿因为汤姆·克鲁斯的《壮志凌云》航空太阳镜流行吗?)
The aviator warped a wing tip to regain balance.(飞行员使一机翼的端部翘起,以恢复平衡。)
Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous aviator.(数百名爱慕者围困那个著名飞行员。)
The alien innocents in their aviator helmets, miniskirts and colorful hose, expressed the explosion of a new youth culture.(那些像是外星人的宇航员头盔,迷你裙和彩色的紧身裤,都表达了新年轻人文化的爆发。)
The actress said her new curves were the result of weight she needed to gain for her role in 'The Aviator.(这位美女表示自己的身体曲线完全得益于为了《飞行员》一片的角色而增加的体重。)
Scottish aviator Jim Mollison made the first trans-Atlantic solo flight.(苏格兰飞行员吉姆·莫里森首次单人驾机飞越大西洋。)
He is a daring aviator.(他是一个勇敢的飞行家。)
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