1. the act of providing approval and support
e.g. his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives
Synonym: backingchampionshippatronage
2. (computer science) a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
e.g. he made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased
Synonym: computer backup
3. a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts
Synonym: accompanimentmusical accompanimentsupport
4. someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult)
e.g. the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes
we need extra employees for summer fill-ins
Synonym: stand-insubstitutereliefrelieverbackup manfill-in
5. an accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage
e.g. a traffic backup on the main street
he discovered a backup in the toilet
1. (物资、人员等的)支持,辅助
Backup consists of extra equipment, resources, or people that you can get help or support from if necessary.
e.g. There is no emergency back-up immediately available...
e.g. Alternative treatments can provide a useful back-up to conventional treatment.
2. 备用品;后备计划
If you have something such as a second piece of equipment or set of plans as backup, you have arranged for them to be available for use in case the first one does not work.
e.g. Every part of the system has a backup...
e.g. Computer users should make regular back-up copies of their work.
1. 备分:接下来,还要再处理的包括同步两台电脑的某些数据,备分(backup)一些重要的档案. 需要处理的文章、资料都全部拷贝进平时主要使用的电脑里面了. 目前的处理速度还不够快,不能只顾着分类,往往犯的错误是只顾得分类,分类完后人也累了,
2. backup的反义词
2. 备存:BAC,回车;进入备存(Backup)程序. 备存[DB]...?DB,回车;指示系统备存数据库. 此时有三个选项:DB(数据库),MIS(杂项文文件)与ACD(ACD统计),本例选择了备存数据库. 备存的数据库...?A,回车;输入备存数据库名称A.
3. 备份文件:VOB文件--视频目标文件(Video OBjects)BUP文件 - 备份文件(BackUP)这种问题我以前碰到过,经过我慢慢试验与分析,发现这是由是某个文件夹的权限所导致的,iis在访问access数据库的时候,需要某个文件夹具有读写的权限,否则就出错.