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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:40:27



英 [ˈbeɪlfl]

美 [ˈbelfəl]


副词: balefully 名词: balefulness

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  • 有害的,邪恶的,凶恶的,阴险的,有恶意的
  • 不幸的,可怜的,悲惨的
  • 有威胁的,破坏性的
  • 哀伤的
  • 不吉的,不祥的
  • 致命的,痛苦的,灾难的


1. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

e.g. a baleful look
forbidding thunderclouds
his tone became menacing
ominous rumblings of discontent
sinister storm clouds
a sinister smile
his threatening behavior
ugly black clouds
the situation became ugly

Synonym: forbiddingmenacingminaciousminatoryominoussinisterthreatening

2. deadly or sinister

e.g. the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look

Synonym: baneful

1. 有害的;恶意的;邪恶的
Baleful means harmful, or expressing harmful intentions.


e.g. ...a baleful look.

He watched her balefully.

1. baleful

1. 有害的:balefire 野火 | baleful 有害的 | balefully 灾难地

2. baleful的翻译

2. 有害的, 恶意的:Sojourn逗留 | Baleful有害的, 恶意的 | Grip掌握, 控制, 把手

3. 邪恶的,恶意的:bale 大包裹,灾祸,不幸 | baleful 邪恶的,恶意的 | ballad 民歌

4. baleful在线翻译

4. 邪恶的;有害的, 破坏性的:snap up 抢购,抢先弄到手;匆匆吃下 | baleful 邪恶的;有害的, 破坏性的 | all-out 竭力的, 全部的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And, as elsewhere, the church's baleful influence is now hugely diminished.(而且,和其它地方一样,教会的邪恶影响力现在极大地减弱了。)
In addition, the user must affirm the system in the setting restores time place to go up nonexistent baleful file.(此外,用户必须确认在设置的系统恢复时间点上不存在恶意文件。)
But before we get too cocky, here's the baleful eye of statistical analysis.(但在此之前,我们太骄傲自大,这里是统计分析的恶意眼球。)
They are facing baleful charge, we want to ensure they have choose more as far as possible.(他们正面临恶意攻击,我们想确保他们有尽可能多的选择。)
Clearly, more and more baleful attack are come from lawful calculable website.(显而易见,越来越多的恶意攻击源自合法可信赖的网站。)
He turned toward the company; his gentle manner changed, and baleful lightnings began to play from his eyes.(他转向大家;他一改温和的态度,凶狠的闪电开始从他的眼睛里射出。)
But networks can also have baleful effects.(但是社交网络也会有有害的作用。)
Make you consider as when a lawful website, actually you already were sent toward a baleful and false website.(使你认为是在一个合法的网站时,实际上你已被送往一个恶意虚假网站。)
As resistance to their invasions waned, the baleful energies of Realm of Chaos began to flow, warping all in their path.(随着对入侵者的反抗逐渐消退,混沌领域的邪恶势力开始四处横行,所过之处皆为焦土。)
In of all kinds and baleful code, Trojan virus most "evil", occupy 39%.(在各类恶意代码中,木马病毒最“恶”,占39%。)
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