英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [fəˈbɪdɪŋ]

美 [fərˈbɪdɪŋ]


副词: forbiddingly

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. 可怕的;令人生畏的
If you describe a person, place, or thing as forbidding, you mean they have a severe, unfriendly, or threatening appearance.

e.g. There was something a little severe and forbidding about her face.
e.g. ...a huge, forbidding building.

1. 可怕的:forbidden-character code 非法字符码 | forbidding 可怕的 | forbore 忍耐

2. 令人生畏的:disturbing 令人不安的 | forbidding 令人生畏的 | pudding 布丁

3. forbidding是什么意思

3. 望而生畏的,望而却步的:2) fascination 魅力,迷惑力 | 3) forbidding 望而生畏的,望而却步的 | 4) muster 鼓起

4. forbidding是什么意思

4. 可怕的/令人难亲近的:forbiddenness /禁戒性/ | forbidding /可怕的/令人难亲近的/ | forbit /禁止/

  • 经典引文

  • We saw the same forbidding wall of belt-ice.

    出自:E. K. Kane
  • A forbidding figure: distant and cold and expert.

    出自:L. Deighton
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.forbidding

They were dull and visually forbidding.

它们枯燥无味, 令人望而生畏。


  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There was something a little severe and forbidding about her face.(她的脸色严厉且令人生畏。)
He had a rather forbidding, saturnine manner.(他有种相当可怕的,阴郁的举止。)
A few of these spores found a toehold on the dark, forbidding rocks and grew and began to work their transformation upon the land.(其中一些孢子在黑暗、险峻的岩石上找到了立足点并开始生长,同时开始了它们改变这片土地的事业。)
With their ornate turrets, spires, gabled Windows and forbidding facades, many of them certainly look haunted.(这些大宅拥有华丽的塔楼,尖顶,山墙窗口和阴森禁入的正门,大多数看上去是鬼魂喜欢出没的地方。)
Bestsellers can still do well without forbidding sharing.(但不禁止分享,畅销品同样可以卖的很好。)
The language seems equally forbidding to many.(看来对很多人来说,德语真是一个让人望而生畏的语言。)
Grant only very narrow permissions at first — at least forbidding arbitrary users from modifying it.(最初只授与非常有限的权限;至少禁止任意的用户修改它!)
Judge Kaplan issued a temporary order in February forbidding enforcement of the Ecuadorean verdict.(卡普兰法官2月发出了一份禁止执行厄瓜多尔裁决的临时命令。)
Efforts are being made to raise capital, despite the forbidding environment.(尽管环境不利,目前仍在努力筹集资金。)
He's found a forbidding, yet fossil-fertile spot to conduct his search.(他已经找到一处令人生畏但却蕴藏着丰富化石的地点来开展研究。)
forbidding是什么意思 forbidding在线翻译 forbidding什么意思 forbidding的意思 forbidding的翻译 forbidding的解释 forbidding的发音 forbidding的同义词