英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:41:06



英 [ˈbɑ:mi]

美 [ˈbɑmi]


副词: balmily 比较级: balmier 最高级: balmiest 名词: balminess

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  • 温和的
  • 芳香的
  • 芬芳的
  • 古怪的
  • 柔和的
  • 宜人的
  • 镇痛的
  • 抚慰的
  • 香脂的
  • 傻呼呼的
  • 暖和的
  • 止痛的
  • 有香气的
  • 香脂味的
  • 安慰的
  • 笨的
  • 愚鲁的
  • 轻狂的
  • 温馨的



1. mild and pleasant

e.g. balmy days and nights
the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth
a soft breeze

Synonym: mildsoft

2. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular

e.g. it used to drive my husband balmy

Synonym: barmybatsbattybonkersbuggycrackedcrackersdaftdottyfruityhaywirekookykookielocoloonyloopynutsnuttyround the bendaround the bendwackywhacky

1. (天气)温暖舒适的,温和宜人的
Balmy weather is fairly warm and pleasant.

e.g. ...a balmy summer's evening.

1. 芳香的:Balmoral 斜纹呢衬裙 | balmy 芳香的 | balneal 洗澡的

2. 有香气的:ballistophobia 飞弹恐怖症 | balmy 有香气的 | baloney 骗人的鬼话

3. 芬芳温和的:breeze 微风 | balmy 芬芳温和的 | sunny 阳光充足的

4. 温和的:awe-inspiring 令人敬畏的 | balmy 温和的 | benevolent 善心的,仁心的

  • 经典引文

  • Under the shade of those balmy firs.

    出自:M. R. Mitford
  • The cure for a disease, is to send..balmy medicines.

    出自:E. Irving
  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

  • noisome〈正式或文〉令人不快的...
He is joined by the sounds of chimes, swaying palms and balmy breezes blowing through ancient relics.(和他产生共鸣的,是排钟和摇曳的棕榈树发出的声音,还有轻拂在古董间的沁人凉风。)
Because the idea of a balmy ancient Mars just got iced.(因此关于温和的古代火星这个说法也被冰封了。)
Christmas is the most human and kindly of season, as the month of June with sunshineand the balmy breath of roses.(圣诞最有人情味,充满仁爱的时节,它好像阳光明丽、玫瑰吐露芬芳的六月。)
Corpse flowers come from the warm and balmy Sumatran rainforests, so blooms this time of year are normal.(“尸花”原产于温暖的苏门达腊雨林,所以在这个时候开花是正常现象。)
It was April, balmy and warm.(那是四月,气候和煦。)
Unlike their northern counterparts, they enjoy balmy weather all year, so have never adapted to freezing winters alternating with warm summers.(不像北部的伙伴,这里的生物全年都生活在温和的天气里,所以它们从来没有适应过从暖和的夏天变到寒冷的冬天。)
Its balmy climate, white sandy beaches, and fruit-laden hills qualify it as a paradise for those in pursuit of excess.(这里宜人的气候,白色的沙滩和满山的水果让他成为了追求奢华生活一族的天堂。)
All of the volunteers rode bikes in a physiology lab heated to a balmy 86 degrees.(所有受试人员在温度为86华氏度的心理实验室做骑车运动。)
Dotted with exclusive Belle Epoque and contemporary villas, this is probably the most beautiful place to live in the balmy, tropical region.(有独家美好年代BelleEpoque和当代别墅的点缀,这可能是温暖的热带地区最美丽的居住地。)
You can enjoy the fresh ocean breezes and balmy, sub-tropical warmth from your own private balcony.(从您私人阳台可以享受新鲜的微风和温和的空气,热带气候的温暖。)
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