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更新时间:2025-03-24 09:59:18



英 [bɑ:ˈbeəriən]

美 [bɑ:rˈberiən]



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名词: barbarianism

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. (旧时的)野蛮人,未开化的人
In former times, barbarians were people from other countries who were thought to be uncivilized and violent.

e.g. The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.

2. 粗野的人;凶残的人
If you describe someone as a barbarian, you disapprove of them because they behave in a way that is cruel or uncivilized.

e.g. Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian...
e.g. We need to fight this barbarian attitude to science.

3. 粗人;没教养的人;缺乏文艺修养的人
If you refer to people as barbarians, you mean that they do not know how to behave properly and do not like or understand art and culture.

e.g. The people, he thought, looked upon all Americans as barbarians.

1. barbarian的反义词

1. 战士:义务嘉奖:四个符咒,可向Qual-Kehk雇佣蛮横人战士(Barbarian)与Malah对话得到.Malah说城里的Anya失落,要把她找回来.在冰河(Frozen River)找到Anya,没想到她被冰冻了,回城找Malah要药水,然后回Frozen River找Anya,用药水救出,

2. 蛮族:目前<>官网上已经公开了四种角色职业,包括巫医、僧侣(Monk)、术士(Wizard)与蛮族(Barbarian),并且都各自设计出两种性别的不同形象. 各种职业有着不同法术与能力的发展配置,因此在每种职业的专属网页中,

3. 野人:Barbara 芭芭拉 | barbarian 野人 | barbarianize 使野蛮化

  • 经典引文

  • Thou art here but to thrash Trojans, and thou art bought and sold..like a barbarian slave.

    出自:Troilus Cressida,Shakespeare
  • Barbarian blindness, Christian zeal conspire.

  • Several other terms..are not Sanscrit, but, apparently, barbarian.

    出自:H. T. Colebrooke
  • Establishment of the barbarian nations on the ruins of the Roman Empire.

    出自:H. Hallam
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The first trailer is out for the "Conan the Barbarian" reboot.(第一个预告片是出于《野蛮人柯南》的重归。)
These two kind things is indeed an all may come with fortune good thing to general barbarian.(这两样东西对于一般野蛮人而言绝对都是可遇不可求的好东西。)
You call me a barbarian, the what are you? What you expect me to veep over 50 civilians?(你们可以说我是野蛮人,那你们是什么?50几个平民就想让我哭?)
No doubt about it, the Romans built monuments on a more epic scale than any previous Europeans, wowing their "barbarian" neighbors.(毫无疑问,罗马人超越了先前所有的欧洲人,创造了一个更为壮丽史诗般的纪念碑,让他们“野蛮的”邻居们拍手叫绝,惊叹不已。)
So if you went there, they might call you a barbarian .(所以如果你到那儿,他们可能会叫你野蛮人。)
Take a barbarian, childless wife and dare call her queen?(娶一个不育的蛮女让我们叫她王后?)
He has the heart of a Barbarian!(他有颗野蛮人的心!)
Cimmerian, by the way, is yet another moniker Conan the Barbarian is known by.(顺便说一句,Cimmerian是野蛮人柯南的绰号。)
We need to fight this barbarian attitude to science.(我们需要向这种对待科学的野蛮态度作斗争。)
Huzzah! Good choice! Barbarian is very fun class.(呜哈!选得好!野蛮人是个非常有趣的职业。)
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