英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-08-19 14:17:28

be loyal to

英 [bi: ˈlɔiəl tu:]

美 [bi ˈlɔɪəl tu]

对 ... 忠诚; 忠实于 ...
  • 网络解释

1. 忠于:at lowest 至少,最低 . | be loyal to 忠于 . | in the main 基本上,大体上 .

2. 对......忠诚:be open to 对......开放 | be loyal to 对......忠诚 | be helpful to对......有益处

3. 对......忠诚,忠实于:be hard pressed to do sth. 做......很困难(lesson11) | be loyal to 对......忠诚,忠实于......(lesson11) | be no match for 不是......的对手(lesson7)

4. 对----忠诚的:be liable for 有责任 | be loyal to 对----忠诚的 | be married to 和某人结婚

  • 临近词

Thee vassal swore that he would be loyal to the king forever.(这位封臣宣誓他将永远忠诚于国王。。)
It was my mother I had to be loyal to.(我所爱的只能是我的母亲啊。)
Only if we are true to facts, can we be loyal to the truth.(只要我们努力工作,就能实现人生目标。)
Doesn't a husband want his wife to be loyal to him?(丈夫不希望他的妻子对他忠贞吗?)
Be loyal to your career, your interests and yourself.(别忘了要效忠于你自己的事业、你自己的兴趣和你自己。)
Why do you want to be loyal to an airline?(您为什么会对某一航空公司表示忠诚?)
I cannot be loyal to those who have no loyalty to themselves.(我不能对这些人忠心,因为他们都无法对自己的内心忠诚。)
I love you, will be loyal to their loyal to the faith of love.(我爱你,是忠于自己忠于爱情的信仰。)
A soldier should be loyal to his country.(当兵的应该效忠祖国。)
Let's face the reality, and be loyal to our ideal. -che Guevara.(让我们面对现实,让我们忠于理想。(切。格瓦拉)。)
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