英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:05:28


英 [ˈbi:kə(r)]

美 [ˈbikɚ]



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1. a cup (usually without a handle)

2. a flatbottomed jar made of glass or plastic
used for chemistry

1. (通常无柄的)塑料杯
A beaker is a plastic cup used for drinking, usually one with no handle.


2. 大口杯;大玻璃杯
A beaker is a large cup or glass.

3. 烧杯
A beaker is a glass or plastic jar which is used in chemistry.

1. beaker

1. 烧杯:臭氧氧化对氯苯甲酸(pcba)第二部份:臭氧与pcba反应浓比自由基的攫取者 (scavenger) 时,攫取者会消耗氢氧自由基,使得规格:25ml 2.可调适微 吸管(Microliter-pipette witopet variable)6.PP 烧杯(Beaker)容 :500ml 7.PP 有柄烧

2. 杯:授课的过程主要是以英语教师用英语提出问题,由学生回答,然后我作出评价(使用汉语),中间还掺杂对化学实验仪器、生活中的化学和化学科技发展的前沿知识介绍,如干锅(crucible)、试管(test tube)、烧杯(beaker)等实验室用品,门迭列夫、居里夫人、钱永健等科学家介绍,

3. 大口杯:*大口杯(BEAKER)一种无柄大酒杯,常有外倾的宽口,有时还有支座. 大主教(ARCHBISHOP) 一教区等级最高的主教. 丹配拉画/丹配拉画法(TEMPERA PAINTING)1) 用蛋清和水调和颜料(PIGMENTS)绘制的画. 在十四、十五世纪,

4. 烧杯(带倾口):Flask:烧瓶 | Beaker:烧杯(带倾口) | Distilled Water:蒸馏水

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The Beaker Culture had its Bronze-age heyday in the Alps, not in England.(烧杯文化在青铜时代达鼎盛时期于阿尔卑斯山一带,而不是在英格兰。)
From our own beaker, we've watched with glazed eyes as glaciers have retreated worldwide.(当全世界的冰川已经消退时,我们还在用呆滞的目光通过自己的烧杯进行观察。)
She grinned and took the beaker out of her pocket.(她笑了一下,拿出了那个烧杯。)
If I have a beaker with some solid reactant on the bottom here.(如果在烧杯地步,有一些固态反应物。)
But you see, he slipped and the beaker of this deadly potion fell upon his foot, destroying the flesh and the shoe itself.(但是他把失了手,把烧杯中的致命药水溅到了脚上,把肉和鞋都腐蚀掉了。)
What will increase after the stone is put into the beaker?(把石头放进烧杯后,什么将会增加?)
Let's meet somewhere... you bring your beaker and I'll bring my stirring rod.(我们在哪里见个面吧……你带着你的烧杯,我带着我的搅拌棒。)
We used a conical flask, a fabric bag of sprigs of lavender plus shredded, a plastic delivery tube, and a test-tube in a beaker of cold water.(我们用了一个锥形烧瓶、一个装着薰衣草细枝条的布袋和一些碎布条、一根塑料导管,和一根试管,要把它放在装有冷水的烧杯里。)
O for a beaker full of the warm South! 15.(哦,来一杯满溢着南方的温暖。)
At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland and Rhineland.(约公元前2000年,从现在的荷兰和莱茵兰地区来了宽口陶器人。)
beaker是什么意思 beaker在线翻译 beaker什么意思 beaker的意思 beaker的翻译 beaker的解释 beaker的发音 beaker的同义词