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英 [bɪˈleɪtɪd]

美 [bɪˈletɪd]


副词: belatedly 名词: belatedness

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  • 过时的
  • 陈旧的
  • 误期的
  • 太迟的
  • 迟来的
  • 晚出现的
  • 落后了的
  • 过了期的
  • 已经迟了的
  • 旧式的
  • 天已暗了的
  • 日暮途穷的
  • 耽误的


1. after the expected or usual time

e.g. a belated birthday card
I'm late for the plane
the train is late
tardy children are sent to the principal
always tardy in making dental appointments

Synonym: latetardy

1. 迟来的;延误的;姗姗来迟的
A belated action happens later than it should have done.

e.g. ...the government's belated attempts to alleviate the plight of the poor.
e.g. ...a belated birthday present.

The leaders realized belatedly that the coup would be disastrous for everyone.

1. 迟来的:belat强西北风 | belated迟来的 | belaud高度赞扬

2. 过了期的:belated claims 逾期索赔 | belated 过了期的 | Belay! 暂停!挽住!(带缆操作口令

3. 误期的, 迟来的:tawdry 俗丽的, 非常华丽的 | belated 误期的, 迟来的 | sate 使心满意足, 过分的给与

  • 经典引文

  • Belated shepherd swains See the cowl'd spectre.

    出自:G. White
There, surrounded by a belated outpouring of militia, Burgoyne surrendered ten days later.(在那儿被民兵围困了10日后,柏戈因最终缴械投降。)
Thanks for your belated advice.(谢谢你放的马后炮。)
We can only imagine the fallen angels with a kind of dim and uncertain light just as the belated peasant sees.(我们只能想象出堕落的天使们带着暗淡的变幻的光,就像那个迟来的农民看到的那样。)
Self-documentation is often belated, but useful.(自制文档虽然过时,但很有用。)
We would see this as a belated small step in the right direction.(奈杜说:“我们会把这个计划看成是朝着正确方面迈出的一小步,尽管有些迟了。”)
This isn't a topic that we stumble on today as a result of some belated sophistication we have achieved.(但我们今天不会在这个问题上花很多时间,因为我们已经在过时的观点上踌躇太久。)
Are these trends a belated vindication of Karl Marx?(这些趋势是否属于对马克思迟来的辩护?)
Other regulators would prefer to leave the former quant to implement his belated turnaround plan.(其他监管者选择让他实行这迟来的彻底转变。)
But labor experts say the belated measures are limited and unlikely to fix the problem.(不过人力专家称姗姗来迟的措施是不全面的,而且不太可能使问题得到解决。)
It is really a belated gift.(这真是一份迟来的礼物!)
belated是什么意思 belated在线翻译 belated什么意思 belated的意思 belated的翻译 belated的解释 belated的发音 belated的同义词