It will also want to avoid military belligerence that interferes in economic growth.(它也会避免干涉经济生长的军事挑衅行为。)
China's sense of historical grievance explains a spate of recent belligerence.(历史屈辱感可以解释中国近来的好战行为。)
He could be accused of passion, but never belligerence.(他也许可以被指责为性情冲动,但决不是生性好斗。)
Not every act of belligerence was born in Washington, London, Paris or Tel Aviv.(不是每个交战行动都发源于华盛顿,伦敦,巴黎或特拉维夫。)
For now, however, there isn't any particular mood of belligerence in Dalian, where the former Varyag sits dockside within view of an Ikea store and the site of a new Sam's Club.(然而,就目前而言,在大连并未出现特别的好战情绪,前瓦良格号航母就停靠在大连的码头边,不远处就是宜家家居商场和山姆俱乐部。)
Her increasing belligerence alienated her from her old friends.(她的日益增长的好战性使她和她的老朋友们疏远了。)
His increasing belligerence alienated him from his old friends.(他越来越好斗,使他的老朋友都疏远了他。)
That, however, would require a bit more Russian belligerence.(不管怎样,这还需要俄罗斯更加配合一点,只要他们多表现出一点好战精神就够了。)
There was no belligerence in my question. I was only curious as to why it was me in particular.(我的问题里没有丝毫敌意。我只是好奇他为什么特别拿我做对象?。)
The belligerence of 1908 was replaced with benevolence four years later, as Sweden provided a well-organized and pleasant haven for the troubled Games.(四年后的斯德哥尔摩奥运会好戏连台,使得1908年奥运会的喧嚣烟消云散,瑞典为矛盾重重的奥运会提供了一个秩序井然,令人愉快的场所。)
belligerence是什么意思 belligerence在线翻译 belligerence什么意思 belligerence的意思 belligerence的翻译 belligerence的解释 belligerence的发音 belligerence的同义词