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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:53:33



英 [ˈbestiəl]

美 [ˈbestʃəl]


副词: bestially

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1. resembling a beast
showing lack of human sensibility

e.g. beastly desires
a bestial nature
brute force
a dull and brutish man
bestial treatment of prisoners

Synonym: beastlybrute(a)brutishbrutal

1. 兽性的;残忍的;令人厌恶的
If you describe behaviour or a situation as bestial, you mean that it is very unpleasant or disgusting.

e.g. A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre.
e.g. ...the bestial conditions into which the city has sunk.

1. 野兽的:bested 境遇的 | bestial 野兽的 | bestiality 兽性

2. 野兽的,残忍的:automation 自动装置 | bestial 野兽的,残忍的 | billowing 如波浪般翻滚的

3. bestial的反义词

3. 似野兽的:bested 在...境遇的 | bestial 似野兽的 | bestialcaitiffdastarddespicablemingysqualidunderhanded 卑劣的

4. 形容词,野兽的,残忍的:76. besmirch动词,诽谤 | 77. bestial 形容词,野兽的,残忍的 | 78. bestow动词,给予,赐赠

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In effect, in that middle part of the poem, Yeats collapses creation and destruction, suggesting that the same bestial energy flows through both of these ACTS.(事实上,在此诗中间部分,叶芝于创造与毁灭中徘徊,暗喻,此间也贯穿着兽性的力量。)
Many proud Nelvaanian warriors had been reduced to bestial monstrosities, their flesh coupled with intrusive technological additions, like targeting arrays, controlling devices, and blaster weaponry.(许许多多自豪的内尔万人战士被沦为丧失理智的怪物,他们的血肉与植入的瞄准光线、火控装置、爆能枪械等机械附件交织在一起。)
Bestial Wrath no longer costs focus.(狂野怒火不再消耗专注值。)
However, the reality is that Shating s style of writing makes it impossible to overlook the tragic condition of women who have lost touch with their humanity and turned to bestial ways.(但是,冷静、真实、客观的现实主义描写使沙汀难以忽视在兽道横行的盆地内女性悲剧性的生活状态。)
Cyclone: This ability will no longer work on hunters with The Beast Withinactive or hunter pets with Bestial Wrathactive.(龙卷风:这技能将不再对在人面兽心状态下的猎人或在野兽之心状态下的猎人宠物生效。)
"I cannot for ever be at the top as a manager because you need physical strength, some bestial strength to do this job," Wenger says.(“我不能永远都作为一个主帅是顶级的,因为你需要体力,一些野兽般的体力去做这个工作,”温格说。)
Red talons:.. As have the talons. to embrace the Wolf at the expense of the human only makes them more bestial than our Wolf kin.(作为魔爪的拥有者。以舍弃人类的代价来拥抱狼只是让他们比我们的狼亲戚更残忍。)
The uncontrollable mystery on the bestial floor.(在兽性的地面上找到那莫测的神秘。)
Glyph of Bestial Wrath: Decreases the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 20 SEC.(狂野怒火铭文:减少你狂野怒火技能冷却20秒。)
By 1995, the last time I lived there, Russia had disintegrated into a rudderless mess, defined most by a bestial crime rate and Boris Yeltsin's kleptocracy in the Kremlin.(1995年,上一次我生活在俄罗斯的时候,那里真是一片混乱——高犯罪率和克林姆林宫里独断专行的叶利钦。)
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