英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˌbɪbliˈɒgrəfi]

美 [ˌbɪbliˈɑ:grəfi]


形容词: bibliographical 副词: bibliographically 名词复数: bibliographies

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 目录学
  • 书志学
  • 参考书目
  • 文献学
  • 文献目录
  • 书目提要
  • 书志
  • 文献
  • 目录
  • 汇编
  • 索引
  • 专题书目
  • (有关某一专题的)书目
  • [C]书目 list of books or articles about a particular subject or by a particular author
  • [U][C]书志学,文献学 study of the history of books and their production


1. a list of writings with time and place of publication (such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in preparing a document etc.)

1. (有关某一专题的)书目
A bibliography is a list of books on a particular subject.


e.g. At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books.

2. (参考或引证的)文献目录,参考书目
A bibliography is a list of the books and articles that are referred to in a particular book.

1. 参考文献:结论

7、 参考文献(Bibliography):先英文,后中文 作者名,出版年月,文章名/书刊名,出版社,地点 9、致谢(Acknowledgement) 五、 毕业论文质量标准 (一)选题恰当、与毕业生的知识水平与认识能力相当; (二)内容丰富、资料翔实、论证充分有力;

2. 文献目录:凡修文科课的学生一般都要求写课程论文,教授对论文的引文、注释、征引文献目录(bibliography)等都有严格规定. 在校园面试结束后,招聘委员会先广泛征求意见,甚至包括研究生们的意见,然后作出一至三的排名,提交全系大会讨论,然后是无记名投票表决.

  • 常用例句

  • There is a useful bibliography at the end of the book.
  • You can make capital of your knowledge of bibliography.
  • 词语用法

  • bibliography作“书目”解时可指某一专题的书目,也可指某一作家的著作书目,还可指某出版社〔商〕的出版图书目录。
  • bibliography还可指为撰写文章所用的参考书目或参考文献。
  • bibliography作“目录学,文献学,书志学”解时是不可数名词,作“目录学〔文献学,书志学〕专著”解时是可数名词。
Eg: This course features a complete bibliography of readings.(例句:本课程有完整的相关阅读书目。)
Other publications that provide information or guidance are listed in the Bibliography.(其它提供信息或指南的出版物已列入参考文献中。)
This course features a bibliography of readings.(本课程著重在参考书目的阅读。)
The scholar compiled a bibliography of the unpublished writings of Emerson.(这位学者编制了一部爱默生未发表的作品的目录。)
This essay is made up of five parts of introduction, three chapters, note , postscript and bibliography.(题目为《论蒙古歌舞剧》这篇论文由绪论、三个章节、注解、后记和参考书目五个部分组成。)
The book ought to include a bibliography of the subject.(这本书应包括一份关于这一学科的参考书目。)
The Three Rules is a self-conscious contribution to this type of writing; it even includes a bibliography of "success studies".(《三条规则》是对这类写作的自觉贡献;它甚至包括“成功研究”的参考书目。)
The root node is the bibliography element.(它的根节点是bibliography元素。)
A supplementary bibliography at the end of this volume comprises the most important of these new publications.(本书末的补充参考书目包括了这些最新出版的重要著作。)
Note the difference from a Bibliography, which may include works that are not directly referenced in the thesis.(注意书目中的不同,它可能会包括与论文不直接相关的信息。)
bibliography是什么意思 bibliography在线翻译 bibliography什么意思 bibliography的意思 bibliography的翻译 bibliography的解释 bibliography的发音 bibliography的同义词