英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈbɪskɪt]

美 [ˈbɪskɪt]


名词复数: biscuits

  • 详情解释

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  • 英英释义

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  • 饼干
  • 淡褐色
  • 软饼
  • 陶瓷素烧坯
  • 小面包
  • 热松饼
  • 饼干
  • 饼干色
  • 本色陶器
  • 灰黄色
  • 素坯
  • 点心
  • 泉华饼
  • 松饼(食用时常佐以肉汁)
  • 淡黄褐色
  • 空前惊人
  • 极其讨厌
  • 软烤饼
  • 面包
  • [C]饼干 small flat thin piece of pastry baked crisp
  • [C]软烤饼 soft cake like a scone


1. any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term)

Synonym: cookiecooky

2. small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda

1. 饼干
A biscuit is a small flat cake that is crisp and usually sweet.

in AM, use 美国英语用 cookie

2. 烤饼;小圆面包
A biscuit is a small round dry cake that is made with baking powder, baking soda, or yeast.

3. (强调吃惊)竟然做出这种(愚蠢、粗野或自私的)事情
If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the biscuit or that what they have done takes the biscuit, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour.

in AM, use 美国英语用 take the cake

1. 比司吉:后来看<>才知道,司康的泡打粉用量实在太多,常带有苦味和咸味,对我们亚洲人来说不容易接受. 为了改善此缺点,这款改良式比司吉(biscuit)以酵母代替大部分发酵粉,做出来的比司吉口味更佳,而且数量更多体积也更大.

2. 是英式英语,cookie是美式英语:饼干:biscuit--cookie | biscuit是英式英语,cookie是美式英语. | 无论哪里:anywhere--anyplace

3. biscuit的反义词

3. 淡褐色:berry 鲜红色,浆果红 | biscuit 淡褐色 | bisque 桔黄色

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

    极其可笑,讨厌 be extremely or specially amusing, annoying, surprising, etc.
  • He is a greedy boy, he ate all our biscuits.
  • The biscuits she baked turned out to be as hard as rock.
  • She nibbled at the biscuit.
  • He had no chance to take a bite of biscuit.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 词语用法

  • biscuit在英国指“饼干”“小圆饼”,是饼干的总称;在美式英语中则指“软烤饼”,是一种特殊的饼干。
  • biscuit是可数名词,其复数形式为biscuits。
Someone has selfishly emptied the biscuit jar.(有人自私地吃光了饼干罐里的饼干。)
Please fetch the biscuit by yourself.(请自己取饼干吃吧。)
I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth, and decided to leave.(我不安地把饼干放进嘴里,并决定离开。)
She fell for a tale of a skin infection and a recently eaten biscuit.(她不以为然地认为那只是皮肤感染以及最近吃剩的饼干屑。)
and chocolate biscuit cake (above) made by McVitie's, specially for William.(还有一个是由麦维他专门为威廉王子制造的巧克力饼干蛋糕(如上)。)
It is layered with champagne jelly and a light biscuit joconde and glazed with edible gold leaf.(它的夹层部分有香槟果冻和乔孔达薄饼,表面装饰着可食用的金箔叶子。)
The F-35 is the biggest biscuit in its barrel, by far.(到目前为止,F-35是它桶里最大的一块饼干。)
If you're thinking about reaching for another biscuit to get you through the working day, think again.(如果你想再拿一块饼干来帮你度过工作日,那就重新考虑一下。)
CHARLOTTE: Have a biscuit instead.Eat more and smoke less!(夏洛特:那就吃块饼干吧。多吃点,少抽点!)
After she learned this trick, we started giving her a biscuit for shaking only occasionally.(它学会这把戏后,我们开始在它偶尔摇晃时也给它狗粮。)
biscuit是什么意思 biscuit在线翻译 biscuit什么意思 biscuit的意思 biscuit的翻译 biscuit的解释 biscuit的发音 biscuit的同义词