英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈblækbɔ:l]

美 [ˈblækˌbɔl]



名词: blackballer 过去式: blackballed 过去分词: blackballed 现在分词: blackballing 第三人称单数: blackballs

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1. the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto

Synonym: barring


1. vote against
refuse to endorse
refuse to assent

e.g. The President vetoed the bill

Synonym: vetonegative

2. expel from a community or group

Synonym: banishbanostracizeostraciseshuncast out

1. 投票反对(某人)加入俱乐部
If the members of a club blackball someone, they vote against that person being allowed to join their club.

e.g. Members can blackball candidates in secret ballots.

1. 反对票:blackart 妖术 | blackball 反对票 | blackbeetle 蟑螂

2. blackball

2. 投反对票:Black Sheep 害群之马 | Blackball 投反对票 | Blot One's Copybook 玷污自己的名声

3. (黑球):|- Black.Snake (黑蛇呻吟) | |- Blackball (黑球) | |- Blades.Of.Glory (荣誉之刃/冰刀双人组)

Members can blackball candidates in secret ballots.(会员可通过无记名投票方式反对候选人加入。)
The reporter learns, in joining the partner of the meeting and partner delegate, only Sun Yu cast blackball.(记者获悉,参会的股东及股东代表中,只有孙羽投了反对票。)
Will you blackball her if she tries to join our club?(假如她要参加我们的俱乐部,你是否投反对票?)
Weng points out that in a community so dependent on guanxi-relationships-defaulting on a contact's loan could blackball you from future business opportunities.(翁指出在一个如此依赖于关系的社会中,拖欠贷款能让你失去你未来所有的机会。)
The attempt to blackball it is neo - McCarthyism.(试图阻止它的是一股新麦卡锡主义。)
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