英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈbɔɪlə(r)]

美 [ˈbɔɪlɚ]



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  • 锅炉,汽锅
  • 导弹
  • 煮器,用来煮东西的器皿
  • 烧水壶,烧水器
  • 盛热水器,水壶
  • 熬煮东西的人
  • 酒类干馏器
  • 蒸发器
  • 热水贮槽


1. sealed vessel where water is converted to steam

Synonym: steam boiler

2. a metal pot for stewing or boiling
usually has a lid

Synonym: kettle

1. (尤指为建筑物提供集中供暖的)汽锅,锅炉
A boiler is a device which burns gas, oil, electricity, or coal in order to provide hot water, especially for the central heating in a building.


1. 锅:油在正常操作下不会分解, 故此可使射流(jets)及气锅 (boiler)表面保持清洁. 6.更快的循环, 减少停工期, 减少经常更换液体---在操作温度下硅油与有机液体比较下会恢复快数倍. 由于硅油之优良抗氧化及抗 ...-预览

2. boiler

2. 锅炉(另):steam generator 蒸汽锅炉 | 锅炉(另)boiler | 股本capital stock or capitalization

3. 锅炉,汽锅:boiled catgut 煮沸肠线 | boiler 锅炉,汽锅 | boiling 沸腾,煮沸

Dissolve the chocolate in the top of a double boiler.(在双层蒸锅的上层锅内融化巧克力。)
My partner says no because the boiler could go, or the roof fall off, and we have no savings to save us.(我的另一半说不,因为锅炉可能会坏掉,屋顶可能会掉下来,而我们没有可用以自救的储蓄。)
Boiler Room (2000).(锅炉房(2000)。)
Maintenance men there quickly produced rags to make a bed behind the boiler for the fawn.(那里的工作人员立即拿出碎布,在锅炉后面给小鹿铺了张床。)
Adjust the central heating controls so that the boiler is only on when you need it.(调整集中供暖控制,以便锅炉只在需要时启用。)
Residents heard an enormous bang as a safety valve on the boiler failed.(当锅炉的一个安全阀失灵时,居民们听到了一声巨响。)
According to local reports, the Unknown Sailor was buried in a boiler suit, or overalls.(据当地居民报告,无名水兵是穿着连衣裤工作服或是工装裤下葬的。)
The new Enel plant here opens its first boiler in two months.(二个月后,埃奈尔电厂的第一个新锅炉将会启用。)
The 3D velocity fields in the furnaces' arch area for a conventional stock boiler were measured by the hot wire aerometer.(通过热线式气压计测量了常规储备锅炉的炉拱区域中的3D速度场。)
We should let the steam off the boiler.(我们应该放掉锅炉里的蒸气。)
boiler是什么意思 boiler在线翻译 boiler什么意思 boiler的意思 boiler的翻译 boiler的解释 boiler的发音 boiler的同义词