英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:21:55



英 [ˈbɒmbæst]

美 [ˈbɑ:mbæst]


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形容词: bombastic 副词: bombastically 名词: bombaster

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  • 大话,华而不实的言辞,夸大其词的话,词藻华丽而空洞无物的谈话或(文章)
  • 豪言壮语,高调
  • 装腔作势的话
  • 浮夸的言语
  • 夸大的


1. pompous or pretentious talk or writing

Synonym: fustianrantclaptrapblah

1. 夸夸其谈;大放厥词
Bombast is trying to impress people by saying things that sound impressive but have little meaning.

e.g. There was no bombast or conceit in his speech.

1. 故意夸大的语言:Boltz Test 博尔茨试验 | bombast 故意夸大的语言 | bona fides 诚意


2. 夸大:bombasine 丝棉 | bombast 夸大 | bombastic 夸大的

3. 夸大的言辞:bombasine || 丝棉, 毛织的斜纹布 | bombast || 夸大的言辞 | bombastic || 夸大的, 言过其实的

4. 跨張:Bohemian 波希米亞語(中歐,捷克) | bombast 跨張 | bookish 書面的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

So, beneath the bombast, is this a new “east of Suez” moment?(因此,夸夸其谈的背后是不是新的“苏伊士以东”时刻的到来?)
Not everyone was convinced by such bombast.(并不是每个人都相信这种夸大其词。)
But it is clear that Mr. Wang, who spoke to the New York Times with the assistance of an interpreter, has gotten the message that a bit less bombast might help smooth Wanda's forward march.(不过,在一位翻译的帮助下与时报记者交谈的王健林显然已经意识到,少一点儿夸夸其谈或许可以让万达在前进的道路上走得更加顺畅。)
His speech was full of bombast.(他的讲演通篇是夸夸其谈。)
Dear Word Detective: What's the origin of the word "bombast"? -- Uptiteallnite, via the internet.(侦探先生,您能否告诉我单词bombast的由来?)
There was no bombast or conceit in his speech.(他的发言里没有浮夸或自负。)
Edison's bombast strains Pandora's marriage and disturbs the balance of her life, especially after she hatches a dramatic plan to slim him down in order to save him.(爱迪生的夸夸其谈使潘多拉的婚姻关系变得紧张,扰乱了她平静的生活,尤其是为了挽救哥哥,潘多拉想出了一个戏剧性的方案来帮他减肥,这之后一切更是乱了套。)
These people are complainers, disgruntled ones who live by their desires; their mouths utter bombast as they fawn over people to gain advantage.(这些人好出怨言,不满命运;按照自己的私欲行事,他们好说大话,为了利益而奉承他人。)
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