英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈvænəti]

美 [ˈvænɪti]


名词复数: vanities

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  • 自负,自大
  • 虚荣(心),虚夸
  • =vanity case
  • 空虚,虚幻,无用,无价值
  • 无益的行为,无价值的事物
  • (带镜子的)梳妆台
  • 时髦的小摆饰,小玩意儿
  • [U] 自负,自大,虚荣 conceit;having too high an opinion of one's looks,abilities,etc.
  • [U] 空虚,无用,无价值 worthlessness;quality of being unsatisfying,without true value


1. low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup

Synonym: dressing tabledressertoilet table

2. the trait of being unduly vain and conceited
false pride

Synonym: conceitconceitedness

3. the quality of being valueless or futile

e.g. he rejected the vanities of the world

Synonym: emptiness

4. feelings of excessive pride

Synonym: amour propreconceitself-love

1. 虚荣(心);自负
If you refer to someone's vanity, you are critical of them because they take great pride in their appearance or abilities.

e.g. Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity...
e.g. With my usual vanity, I thought he might be falling in love with me.

1. vanity

1. 虚荣心:罗素曾说,人与蟒蛇不一样,蟒蛇吃饱肚子就满足了;人呢,吃饱肚子后会有新的欲望:占有欲(acquisitiveness),竞争欲(rivalry),虚荣心(vanity)以及对力量的喜好(love of power).

2. 空虚:(47)大小和色彩不同的圆形构成这幅作品,这些形象似乎浮游于蓝空中,暗褐色背景就象大地与海洋的鸟瞰.(48)联结(unity)能提供把作品中的元素连在一起和表达一种艺术观念的凝聚力.可是,若没有空虚(vanity),作品又好象失去了一些激动和冲击.因此,

3. 虚荣:可上帝他老人家非抓住人类这个小辫子不放,在他眼里,虚荣(Vanity)乃是七宗罪的一出,甚至是一切罪恶的渊薮. 他没看到人类因虚荣而进步的一面,相反,他认为,人类有了虚荣,就会衍生出贪欲、暴食、懒惰等其他罪,人类的心理,

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • The woman is always feeling after vanity.
  • Lester smiled at her vanity and love of show.
  • Her refusal to cooperate with him was a wound to his vanity.
用作名词 (n.)
  • All is vanitie, and vexation of spirit.

    出自:Bible (AV): Ecclesiastes
  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

At the Vanity Fair party, they were let in the back door.(在《名利场》杂志的聚会上,他们从后门进来。)
He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.(他的重要地位让他太过傲气、太过自负,从而无法接受他人对自己的意见。)
Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity.(服用类固醇的男人们纯粹是受了虚荣心的驱使。)
They were jubilant with vanity over their new grandeur and the illustrious trouble they were making.(他们对自己的新光荣事迹和他们所制造的大麻烦洋洋得意,充满了虚荣心。)
Vanity in our culture has increased and become more acceptable.(虚荣心在我们的文化中随处可见且可以被接受。)
This also is vanity and a great evil.(这也是虚空,也是大患。)
The second danger lies in the vanity of philanthropists.(其次,慈善家们的虚荣也是一大隐患。)
This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.(这也是虚空,也是捕风。)
This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.(这也是虚空,是极重的劳苦。)
Not victory, but vanity.(并非因为胜利,而是因为虚荣心。)
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