英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:03:37


英 [ˈbɒnəmi]

美 [ˌbɑ:nəˈmi:]


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  • 好脾气
  • 和蔼态度,温和,亲切
  • 欢乐的气氛,欢快友好的感觉
  • 友好,善良,纯朴,敦厚
  • 欢乐的友情


1. a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)

Synonym: affabilityaffablenessamiabilityamiablenessgeniality

1. 欢快友好的感觉;友善
Bonhomie is happy, good-natured friendliness.

e.g. He was full of bonhomie.

1. bonhomie的反义词

1. 温和:boner 愚笨的错误 | bonhomie 温和 | bonus system 奖金制度


2. 温和,和蔼:blemish 损害v | bonhomie 温和,和蔼 | bonus 红利,奖金

3. 温和, 敦厚:bongrace || 前缘突出的帽子(女帽) | bonhomie || 温和, 敦厚 | bonhommie || 温和, 敦厚

4. 温容/敦厚:bongo /羚羊的一种/小鼓/ | bonhomie /温容/敦厚/ | bonhommie /温容/敦厚/

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

That bonhomie is perhaps most clearly felt by the city's artists.(艺术家们最清楚地感受到了这个城市的温厚和敦良。)
The smell of liquor made his mouth water; the good humor and bonhomie between the other pullers made him lonely.(酒的香味让他流口水;其他那些车夫之间诙谐和友好使他感觉孤独。)
He was full of bonhomie.(他很友好。)
Such bonhomie has endeared him to colleagues, clients and analysts since his days as Total’s chief for the Middle East in the 1990s.(90年代以来他在中东当Total的首席,如此温和使他受同事、顾客和分析者钟爱。)
The easy-going bonhomie has helped unite ten very diverse countries.(这种祥和的氛围促使了10个截然不同的国家走到了一起。)
Their eyes were full of friendliness and bonhomie.(他们的眼睛里充满了友善与和蔼。)
If Emerson actually held it one might trace a line from him down to the sloppy bonhomie of such a work as saroyan's the time of your life.(如果爱默生是始作俑者,衣钵相传,一直可以传到萨罗扬的《快乐时光》之类娱人耳目的轻率之作。)
Obama and Bush, determined to put on a show of goodwill, shook hands and gave all the appearance of bonhomie.(奥巴马和布什决定演出一场善意秀,他们互相握手,表面看起来一团和气。)
He's a charismatic preacher and radiates bonhomie.(他是一个传教士,为人宽厚。)
The “ASEAN way” involves consensus, bonhomie and progress that is at best incremental and often imperceptible.(“东盟模式”包括一致、友好和进步。这一模式往好了说有点进展,但是常常看不出什么进展。)
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