英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:28:31



英 [ˈbəʊldə(r)]

美 [ˈboʊldə(r)]


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  • 巨砾;漂砾;卵石;(大)圆石
  • 【地】冰砾
  • 顽石,岩石,巨石
  • 大块
  • 波尔德(美国内华达州与亚利桑那州间一水坝名,亦作Hoover Dam)
  • 爬巨石


1. a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin

Synonym: bowlder

1. 大圆石;巨石
A boulder is a large rounded rock.

1. 巨砾:流星体是太阳系内,小至沙尘( sand),大至巨砾( boulder),成为颗粒状的碎片. 流星体进入地球(或其他行星)的大气层之后,在路径上发光并被看见的阶段则被称为流星. 许多流星来自相同的方向,并在一段时间内相继出现,则称为流星雨.

2. 圆石:先到隔壁房间,用船杆(shiprib)扳动圆石(boulder),结果圆石动了却堵在门口,而船杆也断了. 绕到底下,和阿诺交谈,他会问你问题,答对或是答错后选择唱再见(solong)才能离开他. 绕到圆石房间的另一边,用钟乳石扳动堵在门口的圆石,

3. boulder

3. 大石头:我住在大石头(Boulder)的山里,真的山明水秀,有鹿来吃花,有狐狸来引得狗大叫,有山狮来吓人.附近有小瀑布.我喜欢,唯一不便是我没车,要走半小时路才到巴士站.

The current was quite strong, and I just stayed behind the boulder.(水流非常强,摄影师只能呆在巨石后面。)
I was about to give up when I saw a pile of small stones jammed under a boulder.(我正打算放弃,忽然看见其中一块圆石下面有一摞石头。)
In Boulder, Colo., a surge of electricity on the power grid can largely go unnoticed.(在科罗拉多州波尔得市,大部分电网的电力波动都不被人们察觉。)
It is thought that the train hit a boulder that had fallen down a cliff on to the track.(人们认为这列火车撞到了从悬崖滚到铁轨上的大圆石。)
They then walked hand in hand toward the large boulder that marks the area where Flight 93 crashed.(然后,两人手挽手走向大卵石标记的93号航班坠毁地点。)
Given enough warning, it should be possible to push a threatening boulder out of the way.(如果予以足够的警示,就有可能把一块有威胁性的巨石推开。)
Once you have started the boulder rolling, it develops momentum, which is defined by its mass and velocity.(一旦你开始滚动巨石,它就产生动量,动量由它的质量和速度决定。)
In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway.(古时候,一位国王将一块巨石放在路上。)
Mediterranean: angry to see the glittering sea-pale boulder alive(它恼怒地看着闪烁的海面,巨大的卵石上爬着绿蜥蜴)
As with Sisyphus, the boulder was painstakingly rolled upwards only to tumble back down again in an absurd exercise of futility.(和西西弗斯一样,巨石费力地向上滚动,结果又滚了下来,徒劳无功。)
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