英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:15:07



英 [ˈbʊfeɪ]

美 [bəˈfeɪ]



名词: buffeter 过去式: buffeted 过去分词: buffeted 现在分词: buffeting 第三人称单数: buffets

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  • 快餐柜台
  • 殴打,打击
  • 冲击
  • 餐室,自助餐食堂
  • 碗橱,餐具架,餐具柜
  • 小卖部
  • 快餐部
  • 自助餐
  • 一巴掌, 一拳,一击
  • 小吃店
  • 折磨,蹂躏
  • 【空】抖振
  • 连续冲击,冲击,连续猛击,连续反击
  • 奋斗,伤害,蹂躏
  • 奋勇前进,奋力打开一条出路
  • 揍,打,殴打,打击
  • 掴,用手打,用拳击
  • (与…)搏斗,(与…)做斗争
  • 反复敲打,连续地打
  • 打来打去,推来搡去
  • vt. 反复敲打,连续猛击 strike forcefully or repeatedly
  • [C](火车站的)饮食柜台,(火车的)餐车,自助餐 (a place,especially a long table,where one can get) a meal consisting usually of cold food which people serve for themselves and eat standing up or sitting down near by



1. a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room
has shelves and drawers

Synonym: countersideboard

2. usually inexpensive bar

Synonym: snack barsnack counter

3. a meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves



1. strike, beat repeatedly

e.g. The wind buffeted him

Synonym: buff

2. strike against forcefully

e.g. Winds buffeted the tent

Synonym: knock aboutbatter

Pronounced /'bʌfeɪ, am bʊ'feɪ/ for meanings 1 to 3, and /'bʌfɪt/ for meanings 4 and 5. 义项1至3读作 /'bʌfeɪ, 美 bʊ'feɪ/,义项4和5读作 /'bʌfɪt/。

1. 自助餐
A buffet is a meal of cold food that is displayed on a long table at a party or public occasion. Guests usually serve themselves from the table.

e.g. ...a buffet lunch...
e.g. A cold buffet had been laid out in the dining-room.

2. (通常指旅馆或车站的)餐饮部,小餐馆
A buffet is a café, usually in a hotel or station.

e.g. We sat in the station buffet sipping tea.

3. (火车上的)餐车
On a train, the buffet or the buffet car is the carriage or car where meals and snacks are sold.

in AM, use 美国英语用 dining car

4. (大风或海浪)反复拍打,猛击
If something is buffeted by strong winds or by stormy seas, it is repeatedly struck or blown around by them.

e.g. Their plane had been severely buffeted by storms...
e.g. Storms swept the country, closing roads, buffeting ferries and killing as many as 30 people.

...the buffetings of the winds.

5. (严峻局势)冲击,打击
If an economy or government is buffeted by difficult or unpleasant situations, it experiences many of them.

e.g. The whole of Africa had been buffeted by social and political upheavals.


1. 碗柜:图10:此为1919年Gerrit Rietveld根据黄金矩形以山毛榉制作之 碗柜(buffet),其正面各主要矩形单元之比例均为1:1.618. 图11:黄金矩形构图法 图12:几何级数 图13:算术级数 图14:调和级数 图15:费波纳齐数列 图16:汉必基矩形 图17:这张桌子系以黄金分割做为其主要比例之依据.

2. 自助餐厅:在一个自助餐厅(buffet)里吃了丰盛的一餐,花我120. 晚上看了一下电视,居然有一个台在演<>,可惜只有2集. 看看9点的时候便洗漱了上床睡觉. 哈哈,躺下之后才发现根本没有睡意,思绪翻滚. 因为手头还有另外两个职位也非常可能被接受,

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    把…推来推去knock or push sb/sth roughly from side to side
    buffet sb/sth ⇔ about

    We were buffeted about during the rough boat trip.


  • We were buffeted by the wind and the rain.
  • The buffet is situated in the centre of the train.
  • Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?
  • Mr. Walker gave him a buffet in the ribs with his fist.

    出自:A. P. Herbert
  • Calamities go on having a buffet at us.

    出自:S. T. Warner
  • As the crowd pressed past him, he was buffeted mercilessly from side to side.

    出自:O. Manning
  • The train, buffeted by wind, was swaying over the steel lattice of a bridge.

    出自:B. Bainbridge
  • 词义讲解

buffet, beat, hit, knock, strike
  • 这组词都可以表示“打”。其区别是:
  • 1.buffet和beat都可指“有意地打”。knock和strike既可表示有意地“打”,也可表示无意地“撞”。例如:
  • We were buffeting a storm.
  • 我们正与暴风雨搏斗。
  • The fall knocked me senseless.
  • 那一次摔得我失去了知觉。
  • The child's head struck against the door.
  • 孩子的头撞在门上。
  • 2.buffet表示连续猛击; beat指用棍、棒等连续击打; hit指对准某一目标去“打”; strike指徒手或持物一次性地打击。例如:
  • The waves buffeted the shore.
  • 浪拍打着海岸。
  • The missile hit the carrier but only dented the hull.
  • 这枚导弹击中了航空母舰,但只是把 舰体打凹了。
  • His fist struck home.
  • 他一拳正中要害处。
  • 3.hit引申为“攻击”“抨击”“受打击”,也可以指精神上或感情上的“打击”; beat可指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方,用作不及物动词时,可指心脏或脉搏的“跳动”; 而strike则可以用于时钟敲响。例如:
  • The reviewers hit his novel severely.
  • 评论家们对他的小说批评得很严厉。
  • This clock strikes on the hour.
  • 这个钟报时。
  • 相关列句
    As the train pulled in, Djuro made a final inspection of the by now spotless buffet car.(火车进站时,德求罗最后检查一遍已经一尘不染的餐车。)
    This morning, I went to a restaurant famous for its brunch buffet.(今天早上,我去了一个以自助早午餐而闻名的餐厅。)
    Take advantage of restaurants that have 2 for 1 buffet, or lunch specials.(餐馆时常会推出买1送1的优惠,或者特价菜肴。)
    Warren Buffet is probably rich because he is smart.(沃伦·巴菲特可能是富有的,因为他是聪明的。)
    They were also more likely to choose a buffet meal over a more healthy organic one.(他们更有可能选择自助餐而不是更健康的有机餐。)
    After 45 minutes at each task, the kids were treated to an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.(在每组45分钟的任务之后,孩子们都会有一次“随便你怎么吃”的简易午餐。)
    As big waves buffet the eastern Australian coast, a father clings to his son.(当大浪涌上澳大利亚东海岸时,一位父亲紧紧拉住了他的儿子。)
    He found it distasteful to be offered a cold buffet and drinks before witnessing the execution.(他觉得观看死刑处决之前被招待吃冷盘自助餐、喝饮料很倒胃口。)
    I made a pig of myself at Jane's party. I think I sampled everything on the buffet table.(我在简的派对上狼吞虎咽,把自助餐桌上的食物尝遍了。)
    If you're feeling peckish, a few minutes' strolls away is the barbecue buffet, where you can tuck into a vast collection of ribs, salmon, prawns, and salads.(如果您感到饥肠辘辘,步行几分钟就可以看到的自助烧烤摊,那里有排骨、三文鱼、大虾和沙拉,您可以大吃一顿。)
    buffet是什么意思 buffet在线翻译 buffet什么意思 buffet的意思 buffet的翻译 buffet的解释 buffet的发音 buffet的同义词