英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:34:47



英 [ˈbʌmpi]

美 [ˈbʌmpi]


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副词: bumpily 比较级: bumpier 最高级: bumpiest 名词: bumpiness

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  • 颠簸的,震摇的,崎岖不平的,坑坑洼洼的
  • 处境艰难,困难重重的
  • 【空】气流变换不定的
  • 起伏不平的
  • 波纹的


1. covered with or full of bumps

e.g. a bumpy country road

2. causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements

e.g. a rough ride

Synonym: roughrockyjoltyjoltingjumpy

1. (道路)崎岖不平的
A bumpy road or path has a lot of bumps on it.

e.g. ...bumpy cobbled streets.

2. (旅途)颠簸的
A bumpy journey is uncomfortable and rough, usually because you are travelling over an uneven surface.

e.g. ...a hot and bumpy ride across the desert...
e.g. We had a bumpy flight over the centre of Panama.

1. 顛簸:韩艾飞分析,由於中国已经是全球最大的(Number One)原物料消费国(不是美国了),也是全球原物料需求大幅增加的主要推手. 因此只要需求仍在,供给面又没有太大改变,原物料行情未来就算出现颠簸(bumpy),但矿业股前景依然看好.

2. (崎岖地形纹理):Blob(不规则气泡) | Bumpy(崎岖地形纹理) | Drop(水滴滴落形成的纹理)

3. bumpy在线翻译

3. 颠簸的:bumptious 瞎自夸的 | bumpy 颠簸的 | bumrap 无故批评

4. 冲撞的:bumpy flow 涡流 | bumpy 冲撞的 | buna N 丁腈橡胶

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I was a little breathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast.(我有点上气不接下气,我的心跳不稳并且很快。)
Aside from the crucial issue of freedom, most of these have had a bumpy time.(除了自由这个重要的问题外,其他的一切都是一波三折。)
There is a bumpy road ahead.(前面的道路很坎坷。)
Recovery from a recession as savage as this one will be bumpy as well as long.(从如此严重的衰退中复苏是艰难又漫长的。)
Buckle up; it gets a bit bumpy!(系紧安全带;它变得有一点颠簸!)
You solve the problem and then, lo and behold, it turns out that: It is my friend Bumpy. Bumpy gives me a push.(你们解决这个问题,然后,你瞧,结果竟是:是我的朋友小颠。小颠推了我一把。)
The group had a bumpy start.(这个集团起步并不顺利。)
Then a little car pulls up. It is my friend, Bumpy.(然后有一辆小车出现了,那是我的朋友小颠。)
The history of psychosomatic disorders is bumpy.(身心障碍症有着崎岖坎坷的历史。)
A machine designed for remote areas with bumpy roads and a host of other calamities.(这台机器是为偏远地区崎岖不平的道路和许多其他灾难而设计的。)
bumpy是什么意思 bumpy在线翻译 bumpy什么意思 bumpy的意思 bumpy的翻译 bumpy的解释 bumpy的发音 bumpy的同义词