英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈkeɪnaɪn]

美 [ˈkenaɪn]




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  • 犬齿的
  • 犬的
  • 似犬的
  • 犬科的
  • 犬属的
  • 狗的
  • 【解】犬齿
  • 犬科动物
  • 狗或其他犬科动物(包括狗、狼、豺、狐)
  • 犬属动物
  • 獠牙
  • 犬牙
  • 卡奈因(音译名)


1. any of various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles

Synonym: canid

2. one of the four pointed conical teeth (two in each jaw) located between the incisors and the premolars

Synonym: canine tootheyetootheye toothdogtoothcuspid


1. of or relating to or characteristic of members of the family Canidae

2. of or relating to a pointed conical tooth

Synonym: laniary

1. 犬(科)的;狗的
Canine means relating to dogs.


e.g. ...research into canine diseases.

2. (人或某些动物的)犬齿
Canine teeth or canines are pointed teeth near the front of the mouth of humans and of some animals.

1. 犬齿:门齿平行排列於齿沟 (tooth row),而大部份鲸豚类进缘种(relative) 的门齿是横列在犬齿(canine)之前. 不同一般哺乳类具有毛皮(hair or fur),鲸豚类具有一层很光滑且厚油脂的皮肤 (blbber). 此外,鲸豚类无荐椎 (Sacral vertebrae)且失去后肢,

2. 犬:据旧金山检视报(Examiner)11月24日报道,14岁的威斯敏斯特男孩布莱克.普鲁特(Blake Pruitt)自编自导了一部仅10分钟的纪录片---<>(Canine). 本片跟随马里兰州交通部k-9警察队拍摄了维持巴尔的摩市公共交通安全的防暴犬.

3. canine什么意思

3. 犬的:cane sugar 甘蔗糖 | canine 犬的 | canine fossa 犬齿窝

4. 大齿:canfieldite 黑硫银锡矿 | canine 大齿 | cannel coal 烛煤

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She even works with a canine chiropractor.(她甚至还和一位犬科推拿师合作过。)
Some common illnesses and conditions are neurological problems, eye problems, hip dysplasia, blood disorders and Canine Parvovirus.(一些常见病,例如神经系统疾病,眼病,髋骨发育不良,血液病,犬细小病毒。)
New York -dogs dress as Lady Gaga, New York bus and pin cushion to compete in canine Halloween costume competition.(纽约市举办万圣节狗类化装比赛,狗狗们打扮成LadyGaga、纽约公交车或针线包争妍斗艳。)
But it's important to keep your canine running buddy safe, healthy and comfortable on the run.(但是确保你忠实的朋友在跑步时的安全、健康和舒适却是很重要的。)
Ardi's upper canine teeth are more similar to stubby human teeth than sharp chimpanzee teeth.(—与黑猩猩锋利的牙齿相比,“阿蒂”的犬齿更像人类的短平的牙齿。)
Canine blood smear, eosinophil.(犬血涂片,嗜酸性粒细胞。)
Sloth bears also have relatively large canine teeth, which appear to be more functional for fighting than for foraging.(树懒熊也有相对较大的犬齿,它们似乎更适合战斗而不是觅食。)
The designer said he has no plans to sell the tiara, and now wants to create a jeweled hair clip for his beloved canine.(该设计师称,自己无意出售该头饰,且还想为爱犬设计一款珠宝发卡。)
But canine cognition has become a serious science in the past few decades.(但是在过去的几十年里犬的认知已经形成一门严肃的科学。)
Now, though, that's no longer the case, thanks to a Dutch animal lover who has created a beer especially for our canine chums.(不过现在,这已经不再是问题了,来自荷兰的一位动物爱好者发明瞭一种狗啤酒。)
canine是什么意思 canine在线翻译 canine什么意思 canine的意思 canine的翻译 canine的解释 canine的发音 canine的同义词