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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:25:38


英 [kəˈnu:ɪŋ]




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1. 划独木舟(比赛)
Canoeing is the sport of using and racing a canoe.


e.g. They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.

1. canoeing的反义词

1. (皮划艇):现代的皮艇运动(Kayaking)已经成为奥运竞赛项目之一,被归类在皮划艇(Canoeing)项目内. 皮艇则分成单人和双人两种,其外型源自远古时代的北极区格陵兰岛的爱斯基摩人的兽皮艇,比起木制的独木舟轻巧得多.

2. (独木舟):以下摄影相片Photo (一): 道士湖是英国十九世纪建筑丽都运河之后留下的一个人工湖,夏天风和日丽的时候,我可在此划独木舟(canoeing)和玩风帆(sailing),冬天湖水结了冰之后就是溜冰(skating)滑雪(skiing)的好去処.

3. 划独木舟:1.露易丝湖城堡饭店提供各种各项户外活动,包括夏季的划独木舟(Canoeing)、徒步健行(Hiking)、骑马逍遥(Horseback Riding)、激流泛舟(White Water Rafting)等行程;以及冬季的狗拉雪橇(Dog Sledding)、雪鞋(Snowshoeing)、溜冰(Skating)等琳琅满目的套装产品,

4. 划艇:根据划船者所使用的器材差异,皮划艇分为皮艇(Kayaking)和划艇(Canoeing)两大类. 其中皮艇是划船者坐在艇中,使用双叶桨作为动力;划艇是划船者单腿跪在艇中,使用单叶桨作为动力. 根据划船者滑行的水域不同,皮划艇还分为静水皮划艇、激流皮划艇和海洋皮

The Norwegian has done well in water sports, like sailing and canoeing/Kayak in Olympics.(挪威人同样擅长水上体育,比如奥运会中的航海、皮划艇。)
The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.(本中心有齐全的划船和登山设备。)
They were canoeing in the lake.(他们在湖中划独木舟。)
People go hiking , biking, canoeing.(他们去远足、骑车、划独木舟。)
The boy is canoeing in the lake.(这男孩正在湖中划独木舟。)
Slalom canoeing is an extreme outdoor water sport, so it has a certain degree of risk.(皮划艇激流回旋是户外水上极限运动,项目本身具有一定的危险性。)
For lovers of the great outdoors, activities range from canoeing to bird watching.(对于户外活动的爱好者们来说,有从划船到观鸟的各种活动。)
The local officials were proud to host rowing, canoeing and kayaking.(当地官员对主办划船、皮划艇、激流回旋等赛事而颇感自豪。)
Basketball, canoeing and handball were introduced in the games.(篮球、划独木舟和手球都是首次亮相于赛场。)
Both the gold MEDALS were from canoeing.(其中的两块金牌都来自于皮划艇项目。)
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