英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:53:30



英 [ˈkeɪpəbl]

美 [ˈkepəbəl]


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副词: capably 名词: capableness

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  • 有能力的,有技能的,有才华的,有本领的
  • 能干的,能力强的
  • 有...的能力,能够...的,做得出...的
  • 有...的可能性
  • 足以胜任的
  • 有手腕的
  • 有资格的
  • 健全的
  • capable的反义词是incapable
  • 有能力的,有技能的 having ability; able; competent


1. having the requisite qualities for

e.g. equal to the task
the work isn't up to the standard I require

Synonym: adequate to(p)equal to(p)up to(p)

2. (usually followed by `of') having capacity or ability

e.g. capable of winning
capable of hard work
capable of walking on two feet

3. (followed by `of') having the temperament or inclination for

e.g. no one believed her capable of murder

4. have the skills and qualifications to do things well

e.g. able teachers
a capable administrator
children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable

Synonym: able

5. possibly accepting or permitting

e.g. a passage capable of misinterpretation
open to interpretation
an issue open to question
the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation

Synonym: opensubject

1. 有…能力的;能够…的
If a person or thing is capable of doing something, they have the ability to do it.

e.g. He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation...
e.g. The kitchen is capable of catering for several hundred people...

2. 熟练的;胜任的;有能力的
Someone who is capable has the skill or qualities necessary to do a particular thing well, or is able to do most things well.

e.g. She's a very capable speaker...
e.g. Her husband was such a fine, capable man.

Happily it was all dealt with very capably by the police and security people.
幸好,警方和安保人员进行了非常妥善的处理。Note that capable and able are both used to say that someone can do something. When you say that someone is able to do something, you mean that they can do it either because of their knowledge or skill, or because it is possible. He wondered if he would be able to climb over the rail... They were able to use their profits for new investments. Note that if you use a past tense, you are saying that someone has actually done something. We were able to reduce costs. When you say that someone is capable of doing something, you mean either that they have the knowledge and skill to do it, or that they are likely to do it. The workers are perfectly capable of running the organization themselves... She was quite capable of falling asleep. You can say that someone is capable of a particular feeling or action. He's capable of loyalty... Bowman could not believe him capable of murder. You can also use 'capable of' when talking about what something such as a car or machine can do. The car was capable of 110 miles per hour. If you describe someone as able or capable, you mean that they do things well. He's certainly a capable gardener.
注意, capable 和 able 都可用来表示能够做某事。able 表示具有必要知识或技能, 或者表示可能性: He wondered if he would be able to climb over the rail (他在想自己能不能翻越围栏),They were able to use their profits for new investments (他们得以将利润用于新的投资)。注意, 如果用过去时, 则表示实际已经做了: We were able to reduce costs (我们得以降低成本)。capable表示具有所需的知识或技能, 或者表示可能做某事: The workers are perfectly capable of running the organization themselves (工人们完全有能力自己管理这个组织),She was quite capable of falling asleep (她很容易睡着)。capable 后也可表示具有某种情感或做出某一行为: He's capable of loyalty (他能做到忠心耿耿),Bowman could not believe him capable of murder (鲍曼不相信他会杀人)。capable of 还可以用于描述汽车或机器等的性能: The car was capable of 110 miles per hour (该车时速能达到110英里)。able 或 capable 用来形容人时表示“有能力的”、“能力强的”:He's certainly a capable gardener (他绝对是个能干的园丁)。

1. 有能力:若按马斯洛(Abraham Maslow,1908--1970)的欲望的金字塔的理论,人的第四层欲望就是:自尊(Esteem)的需求,人会想要追求自我的价值感,希望被看重,此又称为自我的需求(Ego needs):希望我被看为是有能力(capable)的人,是能胜任(至少是适任,

2. 能:泉美会倡导内涵与外在的修养,发掘女性自身的5C特质,感受自信(confident)、魅力(charming)、纯洁(chaste)、温柔(canny)、才能(capable)集于一身的完美与快乐.

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B:How do you rate yourself as a professional?
你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢 ?

A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent./With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well.
凭借我 良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。/依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。

1. be capable of : 能够;

  • He's a capable doctor.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Not capable her eare Of what was high.

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  • capable的基本意思是“有能力的,有技能的”,指具有完成任务所需要的能力,如足智多谋、勤奋努力等,一般不表示具体的能力,常与介词of或in连用。
  • capable与at或in连用时,逻辑主体只能是人。capable of的逻辑主体有时也可以是物。
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capable, able
  • 这两个词都可表示“能干的”“有能力的”“有才能的”。其区别是:
  • 1.able常指做某事所需要的力量、技巧、知识、才干等,一般与效率无关,含有“精明能干,超过一般水平”的意思; capable指满足一般要求的能力,可以是表现出来的,也可以是潜在的。故可以说able表示的能力要比capable高。试比较下面两句:
  • He is a capable lawyer.
  • 他是位能干的律师。
  • He is an able lawyer.
  • 他是位颇有才干的律师。
  • 2.able一般用于褒义或正面意义;而capable既可用于褒义或正面意义,也可用于贬义或负面意义。试比较下面两句:
  • He's an able man who you can fall back on.
  • 他是个能干的人,你可以依靠他。
  • The scandal is capable of the basest tricks.
  • 这个坏蛋什么卑鄙的勾当都干得出来。
  • 3.able一般用于有生命的人或动物,即使是用于指一件做得很成功的事,其含义也重在表示做成该事的人有才能; 而capable则可用于无生命的事物。试比较下面两句:
  • The doctor performs a very able operation.
  • 那大夫做了一个很成功的手术。
  • Glass, which breaks at a blow, is, nevertheless, cap- able of withstanding great pressure.
  • 玻璃尽管一击就碎,却能承受很大的压力。
  • 4.用作表语时, able后接动词不定式; capable后接“of+名词或动名词”。试比较下面两句:
  • He is able to look after〔capable of looking after〕 him- self now.
  • 现在他自己能照顾自己了。
  • He is capable of hard work.
  • 他能胜任艰苦的工作。
  • 5.able一般指暂时现象,而capable则可指经常性现象。试比较下面两句:
  • She is not able to dance tonight.她今晚不能跳舞。
  • The lame girl is not capable of learning to dance.
  • 这个跛脚的姑娘学不了舞蹈。
  • 6.able仅指主动地做某事的能力,而capable有时可指被动的承受能力或适应能力。试比较下面两句:
  • He is able to overcome all kinds of difficulties.
  • 他能克服各种困难。
  • This car is capable of carrying five persons.
  • 这辆轿车可载客5人。
    • ☆ 16世纪60年代进入英语,直接源自后期拉丁语的capabilis,意为愿意接受的;最初源自古典拉丁语的capax,意为能容纳许多的,有空间的。
    He was capable of writing things of startling originality.(他能写出有惊人原创性的作品。)
    Machine learning is now capable of far, far more complex tasks.(机器学习现在能够完成极其复杂的任务。)
    He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands.(他赤手空拳就能取人性命。)
    I'm quite capable of speaking for myself, thank you!(我自己会说,谢谢了!)
    I'll leave you in Robin's capable hands— metaphorically speaking , of course!(我要把你放到罗宾能干的手中—当然,这只是打个比方。)
    She's a very capable teacher.(她是一位能力很强的教师。)
    Human beings differ from animals in that the former is capable of using language.(人类与动物的不同在于前者能够使用语言。)
    Moreover, mood states appear capable of enhancing a consumer's memory.(此外,情绪状态似乎能够增强消费者的记忆。)
    They are capable of the most heinous acts.(他们能做出令人发指的事情来。)
    I sorrow to hear that; the Wen was a capable man, and brave.(我听了很难过;肉疙瘩是一个能干而勇敢的人。)
    capable是什么意思 capable在线翻译 capable什么意思 capable的意思 capable的翻译 capable的解释 capable的发音 capable的同义词