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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:32:02



英 [ˈkætəklɪzəm]

美 [ˈkætəˌklɪzəm]


形容词: cataclysmic

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1. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

e.g. the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
the earthquake was a disaster

Synonym: calamitycatastrophedisastertragedy

2. a sudden violent change in the earth's surface

Synonym: catastrophe

1. 大灾难;剧变
A cataclysm is an event that causes great change or harm.

1. cataclysm

1. 大灾变:暴雪本周参加 了在瑞典举办 的Dreamhack Winter 2009展会,供给 了魔兽世界世界下一部材料 片<>(Cataclysm)的试玩,有玩家在会场拍摄了一些试玩的视频,下面是联盟新种族狼人出生事件和周边环境涉猎 ,还有一小段战争 视频和变身效果.

2. 灾变:下一个资料片<>(Cataclysm)中,还将增加两个新种族,并为最热衷的玩家设立了更高的等级上限. (文/向兆琹)中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)日前发布的最新报告显示,腾讯网游...

3. 灾难:[游迅单机新闻] 暴雪确认<>新资料片<>(Cataclysm)和<>将在今年上...[游迅单机新闻] 暴雪确认<>新资料片<>(Cataclysm)和<>将在今年上...[游迅单机新闻] 暴雪确认<

4. cataclysm的反义词

4. 剧变:大灾变,又被称为分裂(Sundering)或剧变(Cataclysm),发生於大约一万年前,上古之战的结束之时. 这一事件使整个艾泽拉斯的世界格局发生了变动. 永恒之井的毁灭导致了大灾变的发生.

So much better for all the rumors about a coming cataclysm to be related to a mere dirty snowball, a common comet!(所以最好所有关于即将到来的大灾难的谣言都与一个小小的脏雪球,一个普通的彗星有关!)
The player and their friends are coming of age in a calmer time, the horrors of the Cataclysm forgotten.(玩家和他的朋友们就在被遗忘的灾难中成长。)
Others talked of a "cataclysm".(其他人称之为一个“大灾难”。)
No matter what the cause - illness or accident, cataclysm or slow decline - a child's close call reverberates through the rest of a parent's life.(不管是什么事情——疾病或意外事故,洪水或慢性衰弱病——孩子每接近一次这些灾难都会影响父母今后的生活。)
The most popular theory of our universe's origin centers on a cosmic cataclysm unmatched in all of history—the big bang.(关于宇宙诞生的最流行的理论的核心的部分是一次史无前例的宇宙巨变——大爆炸。)
A. It's a major focus for Cataclysm. Neither Garrosh nor Varian is a major fan of cross-faction cooperation.(在大灾变里,这是一个焦点问题。加罗什和瓦里安都不是那种跨阵营合作的和平分子。)
The floods were a cataclysm from which the local people never recovered.(经历了这场特大洪水,当地人民元气大伤,很难恢复。)
We're hoping to be able to clean up some of this with the Cataclysm overhaul.(我们希望能够在将来的大灾难资料片的大变动中解决一些类似的问题。)
A cataclysm caused by the dam breaking.(一场因水坝破裂所造成的大洪水。)
Fans are also awaiting the latest "expansion", which is an update to the game. Cataclysm is likely to be the biggest release of next year.(游戏迷还期待着最新的“资料片”,也就是它的升级版。“魔兽世界·大灾难”很可能是明年发布的最畅销游戏。)
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