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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:33:08



英 [ˈkætfɪʃ]

美 [ˈkætˌfɪʃ]


名词复数: catfish

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  • 鲶鱼(多为淡水鱼)
  • 鲇鱼(多为淡水鱼)
  • 鲶科(Ictaluridae)鱼的任一种
  • “鲇鱼”(美国制造的潜艇)


1. any of numerous mostly freshwater bottom-living fishes of Eurasia and North America with barbels like whiskers around the mouth

Synonym: siluriform fish

2. large ferocious northern deep-sea food fishes with strong teeth and no pelvic fins

Synonym: wolffishwolf fish

3. flesh of scaleless food fish of the southern United States
often farmed

Synonym: mudcat

1. 鲶鱼
Catfish are a type of fish that have long thin spines around their mouths.

1. 鲇鱼:美国食品及药物管理局说,他们已扣押了一批中国鲇鱼(catfish)、巴町鱼(basa)和鲮鱼(dace),以及虾和鳗鱼. 该局官员在去年10月至今年5月抽检进口...

2. catfish

2. (猫鱼):并每年都举行比赛.比赛者都要在比赛日当天在附近河道中徒手捉猫鱼,并在规定时间前运送到比赛现场.谁的鱼最重就得胜.参加人数可以是个人或团体,所以非常热闹.人人参加,不限年龄、性别.大猫鱼(Catfish)是淡水鱼类,生活在内河之中,


3. 鲶鱼, 淡水鱼,肉质滑嫩但土腥味较重,可红烧:bass 海鲈鱼, 肉质鲜嫩, 清蒸或烧均可. | catfish 鲶鱼, 淡水鱼,肉质滑嫩但土腥味较重,可红烧. | croaker 白花鱼,跟黄花鱼是一类,肉质很嫩,清蒸.

Incredibly, there are also stories of places where catfish have attacked and even eaten people.(难以置信!到处都有关于鲶鱼袭击人类甚至吃人的地方传说。)
The same phenomenon occurred when wels catfish was introduced into the Ebro River in Spain.(同样的现象在六须鲶鱼引入西班牙埃布罗河时也发生了。)
Blue catfish are the focus of many urban legends, mostly stories of huge catfish below DAMS.(蓝鲶是很多都市传说中的焦点,大多关于巨鲶的故事都发生在堤坝下面。)
We ate catfish at a local restaurant.(我们在当地的一家参观吃了鲶鱼。)
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.(鲶鱼有超过27000个味蕾。)
Not all catfish are created equal: we tend to think of catfish as slimy bottom feeders, but that is only true for a small percentage of species.(并非所有的鲶鱼都是生来平等的:我们倾向于认为鲶鱼是黏糊糊的食底泥动物,但那只适用于一小部分物种。)
Catfish, carp and tilapia are often bred this way.(鲶鱼,鲤鱼和罗非鱼一般都是这样养殖的。)
Now Sheila and the catfish are all collected in Guinness World Records.(希拉和这条鱼目前都被收录进《吉尼斯世界纪录》。)
Blue catfish were also relatively common in the St.Louis fish market in the 1800s.(18世纪圣路易斯鱼类市场上蓝鲶就相当的普遍了。)
How does the blue compare to other catfish?(如何比较蓝鲶和其他鲶鱼?)
catfish是什么意思 catfish在线翻译 catfish什么意思 catfish的意思 catfish的翻译 catfish的解释 catfish的发音 catfish的同义词