英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈkævən]

美 [ˈkævərn]



过去式: caverned 过去分词: caverned 现在分词: caverning 第三人称单数: caverns

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  • 山洞
  • 大洞穴
  • 大山洞
  • 岩洞
  • 地下室
  • 蓄水池
  • 病理性空洞
  • 洞穴
  • 凹处
  • 深部
  • 巨穴
  • 洞窟
  • 挖空
  • 置…于山洞中
  • 在…挖洞穴
  • 置…于洞穴中
  • 放于山洞中
  • [C]大山洞,大洞穴 a large cave


1. a large cave or a large chamber in a cave

2. any large dark enclosed space

e.g. his eyes were dark caverns


1. hollow out as if making a cavern

Synonym: cavern out

1. 大地穴;大洞穴
A cavern is a large deep cave.

2. 黑洞洞的大厦(或大房间)
If you describe the inside of a building or a room as a cavern, you mean that it is very large and, usually, dark or without much furniture.

e.g. The kitchen now is a dark cavern, with an antiquated black stove in a corner.

1. 洞穴:就是,对于古典世界观而言,这原始象征即为就近的、严格地限定的、自足的实体(Body对于西方的世界观而言,这原始象征即为无限广袤的、无限丰富的三维空间;对于阿拉伯世界观而言,这原始象征便是作为一个洞穴(Cavern)的世界.

2. 大洞穴:洞穴(Cave)或大洞穴(Cavern)一般多来自于水的作用. 海边洞穴多来自于波浪和海流,它们可以顺海岸线在可以被海水剥蚀、侵蚀的山崖中掏出大洞. 寒冷或曾经历过冰期的地区的洞穴,则大多来自于融冰的水流,

3. 溶洞;岩洞;洞穴:causeway 堤道 | cavern 溶洞;岩洞;洞穴 | Cavern Project Study 岩洞计划研究

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • That famous cavern attracted many tourists.
  • We entered a dark cavern redolent with manly scents —gun oil and cigar smoke and boot polish.
  • The cavern walls echoed his cries.
  • The little girl lost her way in the cavern.
  • Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man.

  • Her eye sockets were caverns which revealed the skull.

    出自:L. P. Hartley
  • 词义讲解

cavern, cave
  • 这两个词并非同义词。cave的意思是“挖洞,塌陷”,常用作不及物动词; 而cavern作“将…置入洞中,将…挖掘出来”解,用作及物动词。
  • 相关列句
    The house has four bedrooms, a big garden, sea views and a 300-square-feet cavern with 32-inch thick concrete walls.(这所房子有四件卧室,一个花园,可以观看海景和一个面积为8千多米的地下洞穴,四周水泥墙壁厚达80多厘米(见上图)。)
    For hundreds of years the statue had remained buried in an underground cavern.(数百年来,这尊雕像被深埋于一个地下洞穴中。)
    The howling monster with his outcry filled the cavern .(山洞里回荡着这个咆哮如雷的巨兽的嗥叫声。)
    That cavern, which was called the choir, communicated with the cloister by a lobby.(那个黑洞,大家称它为唱诗台,经过一条过道,和修院相通。)
    Just then, voices sounded in the next cavern over: "Zed, hold it higher."(就在这时候一个声音从洞穴的另一头传过来:“Z,把它举高一点。”)
    And the Star-Child entered the cavern, and in its farthest corner he found the piece of red gold.(于是星孩进入了洞穴里,在它最远的角落里找到了那块红色的金子。)
    Four avenues opened out of the small cavern which the great rock stood in.(大岩石所在的岩洞里有四条岔路。)
    The obscurity was more dense there than elsewhere. It was a pit of mire in a cavern of night.(黑暗在这儿比任何地方都深厚,这是夜之洞穴中的一个泥坑。)
    A cavern was found by a traveler under the mountain.(一名游客在山下发现了一个大洞穴。)
    I went to the cavern to get some, and found a rattlesnake in there.(我的烟草抽光了,我到山洞里去取一些,发现那里有一条响尾蛇。)
    cavern是什么意思 cavern在线翻译 cavern什么意思 cavern的意思 cavern的翻译 cavern的解释 cavern的发音 cavern的同义词