英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:34:26



英 [kəˈvɔ:t]

美 [kəˈvɔ:rt]


过去式: cavorted 过去分词: cavorted 现在分词: cavorting 第三人称单数: cavorts

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1. play boisterously

e.g. The children frolicked in the garden
the gamboling lambs in the meadows
The toddlers romped in the playroom

Synonym: froliclarkrollickskylarkdisportsportgambolfriskromprun aroundlark about

1. 欢呼雀跃;欢腾;蹦蹦跳跳
When people cavort, they leap about in a noisy and excited way.

e.g. You can enjoy a quick snack while your children cavort in the sand...

2. (新闻用语)放荡,嬉戏
Cavort is sometimes used by journalists to suggest that people were behaving in a playfully sexual way.

e.g. It was claimed she cavorted with a police sergeant in a Jacuzzi but she denies this.

1. 腾跃:cavo-relievo 凹浮雕 | cavort 腾跃 | cavum 空腔

2. 腾越,欢跃:catholic宽厚的 | cavort腾越,欢跃 | clairvoyance超人的洞察力


3. 跳跃 (动):cavity 洞; 腔; 空穴 (名) | cavort 跳跃 (动) | cavum 空腔 (名)

4. cavort

4. 可玩---[欢呼雀与]:caucus 高客s----[政党高客会议] | cavort 可玩---[欢呼雀与] | centaur 三头----------[人头马怪物]

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Satisfied, sun-warmed, we sprawl in the grass and watch our kites cavort.(阳光和煦,我们心满意足地趴在草丛里,看风筝在天上欢跃。)
Chengdu Cavort Science and Technology co. Ltd. is a corporation which combines development and marketing of electrical and electronic product.(成都卡沃特科技有限公司是一家集电子电气产品技术开发与销售与一体的高新科技公司。)
It can't get worse for a professional footballer than hanging around waiting to pick up your losers' medal while the winners cavort around the pitch with glee.(冠军们在球场上欢蹦乱跳,你却要等着领亚军奖牌,这恐怕是职业球员最郁闷的时刻了。)
If you’re going to cavort around in meadowswith my granddaughter you can certainly come up to the house andbe inspected by her parents.(如果你想和我孙女在一起的话,你就该来我们家见见她的父母啊。)
Rabbits cavort in the paddock at dawn and dusk.(黎明和黄昏时,兔子在围场里跳跃。)
Their mother, Olivia Williams, loves them, even if they cavort around the house playing pirates and they do have their dog, Nana, as their nurse.(达令太太奥莉花威廉丝钟爱孩子,即使他们在家里跳跃不定及玩海盗游戏;)
Boys cavort with horses during a fiery sunset on a beach in Timor Indonesia.(男孩和马群腾跃在炽热的日落海滩上位于印尼在东帝汶。)
Local kids still head off for school, take shortcuts through restored plazas, and cavort in the playgrounds until it is time to head home for dinner.(当地的孩子们仍不得上学,抄近路穿过已修复的广场,在操场上蹦荡着直到回家吃晚饭。)
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