英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:35:53



英 [ˈsentɔ:(r)]

美 [ˈsɛnˌtɔr]



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1. (classical mythology) a mythical being that is half man and half horse

1. (古希腊神话中的)半人半马的怪物,马人
In classical mythology, a centaur is a creature with the head, arms, and body of a man, and the body and legs of a horse.

1. centaur的翻译

1. 马人:◎马人Chiron的矢车菊与土木香: 马人(centaur)Chiron的'greatcentaurea'或许是希腊70种矢车菊(Centaureasp.)中的一种. Chiron用这种植物中的一种来医治自己被Hercules(他的挚友)用毒箭意外射伤的伤口,但他的痛苦并没有得到减轻.

2. 怪物:半人半马的怪物(Centaur)既英明又公正他的学生中有个名叫杰森的男孩杰森是位王子,他的父亲埃宋曾是伊俄卡斯的国王,但后来王位却被他同父异母兄弟珀利阿斯夺去了因此他把还在襁褓中的儿子送给Centaur照料还是个孩子时,

  • 经典引文

  • That moral centaur, man and wife.

The Cross-Domain Enterprise All-Source User Repository (CENTAUR) capability was formally evaluated during the last two Empire Challenge exercises.(这种跨域环境全源用户知识库(CENTAUR)能力在最近两次帝国挑战演习中进行正式评估。)
Watch out for the occasional centaur-like Aberration spawned from infested settlements.(当心那偶尔centaur-like畸变造成从出没的定居点。)
Now this Centaur was a prophet as a good many Centaurs are.(却说这怪物是个预言家,就像许多优秀的人马那样。)
But I could have another idea in my mind, which I label "centaur" but for which no corresponding fact can be found in the extramental world.(但是我头脑里还有另外一个叫“人马”的特定观念,可这一观念在脑外世界里找不到相对应的事物。)
'Centaur' I thought reflected our inability to escape the eternal animal thug in all of us.(“半人马”我认为反映出了我们所有人自己内心深处无法逃避的狂暴的兽性。)
Ezra Pound wrote: poetry is a centaur.(庞德写道:诗歌就是人首马身的怪物。)
The astronomer look at the starry sky, trying to locate centaur.(这位天文学家看着满天星斗的天空,试着找到半人马星座。)
Sagittarius, the centaur, merges beast and man a unique creature.(人马座,希腊神话中的半人半马,是兽与人结合而成的独特生物。)
Flights13and14had centaur boosting the spacecraft to escape velocity for an early demonstration of circumlunar capability.(第13次和第14次飞行利用森托尔推进飞船逃离速度限制,这是绕月飞行能力的早期证明。)
The robot could also be mounted, Centaur-like, on a wheeled platform.(这种机器人同时也能够安装在轮式平台上,像半人马座那样。)
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