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英 [ˈserəbrəl]

美 [səˈri:brəl]


副词: cerebrally

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  • 大脑的
  • 理智的
  • 脑的
  • 有智力的
  • 用脑筋的
  • 非感情方面的
  • 智力的
  • 触动理智的
  • 理智方面的
  • 大脑
  • 耐人思考的
  • 要运用智力或理智的
  • 诉诸理性的
  • 哈布氏反射
  • 翘舌音顶音


1. involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct

e.g. a cerebral approach to the problem
cerebral drama

Synonym: intellectual

2. of or relating to the cerebrum or brain

e.g. cerebral hemisphere
cerebral activity

1. 运用智力的;理智的;冷静的
If you describe someone or something as cerebral, you mean that they are intellectual rather than emotional.

e.g. Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper.

2. 脑的;大脑的
Cerebral means relating to the brain.

e.g. ...a cerebral haemorrhage.

1. 大脑的:American 美国的 | cerebral 大脑的 | cherish 珍爱

2. cerebral

2. 脑的, 大脑的:irreversibility 不能反逆的性能, 不可改变性 | cerebral 脑的, 大脑的 | pteronarcid 大石蝇

3. 脑的:cerebral hemorrhage 脑溢血 | cerebral 脑的 | cerebralism 大脑机能论

4. 大脑:catch an infection 发炎 | cerebral 大脑 | chilblain 冻疮

By now, doctors and developmental therapists know plenty about how to treat children with cerebral palsy.(现在,医生和发育治疗专家知道足够多的方法来治疗儿童大脑性瘫痪。)
These renegade, cerebral experiments fascinate many of his peers. Mr.(这些离经叛道费劲心思的烹饪实验将很多同行迷得神魂颠倒。)
Researchers say specially tailored games could help manage weight problems and cerebral palsy.(研究人员表示特别量身定制的游戏可以帮助控制体重问题和脑瘫。)
Essentially, it's a tour through a thin slice of a mouse's cerebral cortex.(实质上,其就是对老鼠大脑皮层的薄薄一层的观察之旅。)
The patho-physiological mechanisms of the clinical manifestations were discussed from the cerebral hemodynamic point of view.(从脑血流动力学的角度探讨了临床表现的病理生理机制。)
The e-commerce website says the auction is for charity for children with cerebral palsy.(淘宝网称这次拍卖所得将捐献给服务脑瘫儿童的慈善组织。)
Some young minds pick a more cerebral target.(一些年轻人的想法是选择一个更明智的目标。)
The Oct. 2 stroke was not Wilson's first cerebral episode.(10月2日的中风并非威尔逊的第一次脑血管意外。)
Rosemary is rich in the anti-oxidant, carnosic acid which dilates the cerebral vascular tissues.(迷迭香富含抗氧化剂和鼠尾草酸,它们都有助于大脑血管组织扩张。)
His poetry is very cerebral.(他的诗富涵理性。)
cerebral是什么意思 cerebral在线翻译 cerebral什么意思 cerebral的意思 cerebral的翻译 cerebral的解释 cerebral的发音 cerebral的同义词